U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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37. MediaBench benchmarks, http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~leec/mediabench/<br />

38. EEMBC, www.eembc.org<br />

39. BDTI, http://www.bdti.com/<br />

40. The Caffeine benchmarks, http://www.pendragon-software.com/pendragon/cm3<br />

41. VolanoMark, http://www.volano.com/benchmarks.html<br />

42. Transactions Processing Council, www.tpc.org<br />

43. SYSMARK, http://www.bapco.com/<br />

44. Ziff Davis Benchmarks, www.zdbop.com or www.zdnet.com/etestinglabs/filters/benchmarks<br />

45. PC Benchmarks, www.pcbenchmarks.com<br />

46. The Jaba profiling tool, http://www.ece.utexas.edu/projects/ece/lca/jaba.html<br />

47. R. Radhakrishnan, J. Rubio, and L. K. John, ‘‘Characterization of Java Applications at Bytecode and<br />

Ultra-SPARC Machine Code Levels,’’ Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer<br />

Design, pp. 281–284.<br />

48. J. A. Mathew, P. D. Coddington, and K. A. Hawick, ‘‘Analysis and Development of the Java Grande<br />

Benchmarks,’’ Proceedings of the ACM 1999 Java Grande Conference, June 1999.<br />

49. C. Lee, M. Potkonjak, and W. H. M. Smith, “MediaBench: A Tool for Evaluating and Synthesizing<br />

Multimedia and Communication Systems,” Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on<br />

Microarchitecture, pp. 330–335.<br />

50. D. Bhandarkar and J. Ding, “Performance Characterization of the Pentium Pro Processor,” Proceedings<br />

of the 3rd High Performance Computer Architecture Symposium, pp. 288–297, 1997.<br />

51. Ted Romer, Geoff Voelker, Dennis Lee, Alec Wolman, Wayne Wong, Hank Levy, Brian Bershad, and<br />

Brad Chen, “Instrumentation and Optimization of Win32/Intel Executables Using Etch,” USENIX,<br />

1997.<br />

52. T. M. Conte and C. E. Gimarc, Fast Simulation of Computer Architectures, Kluwer Academic Publishers,<br />

Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1995.<br />

8.3 Trace Caching and Trace Processors<br />

Eric Rotenberg<br />

A superscalar processor executes multiple instructions in parallel each cycle. Because there are data dependences<br />

among instructions, finding multiple independent instructions that can execute in parallel requires<br />

examining an even larger group of instructions, called the instruction window. Figure 8.16 shows a high-level<br />

view of a superscalar processor, including instruction buffers that make up the window and the decoupled<br />

fetch and execution engines. The fetch engine predicts branches, fetches and renames instructions, and<br />

dispatches them into the window. Meanwhile, each cycle, the execution engine identifies instructions in the<br />

window whose operands are available, and issues them to parallel functional units (FUs).<br />

Peak performance is increased by adding more parallel functional units. But adding more functional<br />

units has ramifications for other parts of the processor. First, instruction fetch bandwidth must be<br />

commensurate with peak execution bandwidth. Second, the window must be correspondingly larger. A<br />

larger window enables the processor to probe deeper into the dynamic instruction stream, increasing the<br />

chance of finding enough independent instructions each cycle to keep functional units operating at peak<br />

efficiency.<br />

Next-generation, high-performance processors will need to issue 8, 12, or even 16 instructions per<br />

cycle. Unfortunately, at high issue rates, supporting mechanisms—instruction supply and the instruction<br />

window—are difficult to scale. This chapter section deals with the instruction fetch bottleneck and inefficient<br />

execution mechanisms, and surveys a next-generation microarchitecture, the trace processor [21,24,27,29,<br />

31], that attacks these problems. A third problem, control and data dependence bottlenecks, is also covered;<br />

however, because this aspect is more involved, it is left to the reader to investigate the trace processor<br />

literature [24,25].<br />

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