U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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In the above example, we see that sample “1” is suppressed by “−1” from the next transition. It is a simple<br />

matter to check that all possible linear combinations of the samples result in only three possible values<br />

{−1, 0, +1} (naturally, it is that all parts of the system are working properly, i.e., equalization, gain, and<br />

timing recovery, and that the signal is noise free). A positive pulse of voltage is always followed by a<br />

negative pulse and vice versa, so that the system can be regarded as an alternative mark inversion (AMI)<br />

code.<br />

The higher bit capacity of the PR4 channel can best be understood from Fig. 34.48. It is observed that<br />

PR4 channel provides a 50% enhancement in the recording density as compared with the peak detection<br />

(fully equalized) one, since the latter requires isolation of single bits from each other. In the next figure,<br />

we see that the EPR4 channel (explained later) adds another 33% to this packing density. PR4 has another<br />

advantage over all the other PR systems; since H(D) = 1 − D 2 , the current symbol is correlated to the<br />

second previous one, allowing the system to be modeled as two interleaved dicode channels, implying<br />

the use of simple dicode detectors for even and odd readback samples. RLL coding is necessary in this<br />

case, since nonideal tracking and timing errors result in a residual intermediate term (linear in D) that<br />

induces correlation between two interleaved sequences, and thus degrades systems that rely on decoupled<br />

detection of each of them.<br />

RLL codes are widely used in conjunction with PR equalization in order to eliminate certain data<br />

strings that would render tracking and synchronization difficult. If PR4 target is used, a special type of<br />

RLL coding is used, characterized by (0,G/I). Here, G and I denote the maximum number of consecutive<br />

zeros in the overall data string, and in the odd/even substrings, respectively. The latter parameter ensures<br />

proper functioning of the clock recovery mechanism if deinterleaving of the PR4 channel into two<br />

independent dicode channels is performed. The most popular is the (0,4/4) code, whose data rate is 7/8,<br />

i.e., whose data loss is limited to 12.5%.<br />

Other PR targets are used besides PR4. The criterion of how to select the appropriate PR target is<br />

based on spectral matching, to avoid introducing too much equalization noise. For instance, for PW50/T<br />

≈ 2.25, it is better to model ISI pattern as the so-called EPR4 (i.e. extended class-4 partial response)<br />

channel with H(D) = (1 + D) 2 (1 − D) = 1 + D − D 2 − D 3 . As the packing density goes up, more low<br />

frequency components are being introduced (low compared to 1/T, that also increases as T is shortened,<br />

in reality those frequencies are higher than those met for lower recording densities, respectively greater<br />

T). This is the consequence of the fact that intersymbol interference blurs the boundary between individual<br />

pulses, flattening the overall response (in time domain). The additional 1 + D term in the target<br />

PR effectively suppresses the unwanted high frequencies. EPR4 enables even higher capacities of the<br />

magnetic recording systems than PRIV, observing the difference of 33% in the recording density displayed<br />

in Fig. 34.49; however, a practical implementation of EPR4 is much more complex than is the case with<br />

PR4. First, the deinterleaving idea used for PR4 cannot be implemented. Second, the corresponding state<br />

diagram (and consequently trellis) now has eight states instead of four (two if deinterleaving is used).<br />

Furthermore, its output is five-leveled, instead of ternary for the PR4 and the dicode channel, so that a<br />

4.4 dB degradation is to be expected with a threshold detector. Naturally, if sequence detector is used,<br />

such as Viterbi algorithm (VA), this loss does not exist, but its elimination is obtained at the expense of<br />

a significantly increased complexity of the detector. Furthermore, if such a detector can be used, EPR4<br />

has a performance advantage over PR4 due to less equalization noise enhancement, cf. Fig. 34.50.<br />

Let us reconsider the PR equalizer shown in Fig. 34.47. Following the approach from Reference 44,<br />

its aim is to transform the input spectrum Y′(e j2πΩ ) into a spectrum Y(e j2πΩ ) = Y′(e j2πΩ )|C(e j2πΩ )| 2 , where<br />

C(e j2πΩ ) is the transfer function of the equalizer. The spectrum Y(e j2πΩ ) = I(e j2πΩ )|H(e j2πΩ )| 2 + N(e j2πΩ )<br />

where H (D) is the PR target. For instance, duobinary PR target (H(D) = 1 + D) enhances low frequencies<br />

and suppresses those near the Nyquist frequency Ω = 0.5, whereas dicode H(D) = (1 − D) does the<br />

opposite: it suppresses low frequencies and enhances those near Ω = 0.5.<br />

In principle, the spectral zeros of H(e j2πΩ ) can be undone via a linear (recursive) filter, but this would<br />

excessively enhance any noise components added. The schemes for tracking the input sequence to the<br />

system based on the PR target equalized one will be reviewed later in this chapter section. For instance,<br />

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