U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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The principle of register renaming is straightforward. The processor removes false data dependencies<br />

by writing the results of the instructions first into dynamically allocated rename buffers, rather than into<br />

the specified destination registers. For instance, in the case of the following WAR dependency<br />

the processor renames the destination register of i<br />

2<br />

i<br />

2<br />

becomes<br />

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i1:<br />

add …, r2,<br />

…; [… ← (r2)<br />

+ (…)]<br />

i2:<br />

mul r2,<br />

…, …; [r2<br />

← (…) ∗ (…)]<br />

(r2),<br />

say to r33.<br />

Then after the renaming of r2,<br />

instruction<br />

: mul r33,<br />

…, …; [33 ← (…) ∗ (…)]<br />

and the processor writes the result of i′ 2 into r33<br />

instead of into r2.<br />

This resolves the previous WAR<br />

dependency between i1<br />

and i2.<br />

In subsequent instructions, however, references to the source register r2<br />

must be redirected to the rename buffer r33<br />

as long as the renaming remains valid. In the next section<br />

we give a detailed description of the whole rename process.<br />

4<br />

A precursor to register renaming was introduced in 1967 by Tomasulo in the IBM 360/91, a scalar<br />

supercomputer of that time, which pioneered both pipelining and shelving. The 360/91 renamed floating<br />

point registers in order to preserve the logical consistency of the program execution, rather than to<br />

increase processor performance by removing false data dependencies.<br />

5<br />

Tjaden and Flynn were the first to suggest the use of register renaming for removing false data dependencies.<br />

They proposed the renaming of load type instructions, but they did not yet use the term “ register<br />

6<br />

renaming.”<br />

This specific term was introduced a few years later, in 1975, by Keller who extended renaming<br />

to cover all instructions including a destination register. He also described a possible hardware implementation<br />

of this technique. Because of the complexity of its implementation, however, about two decades<br />

passed until register renaming came into widespread use in superscalars in the beginning of the 1990s.<br />

Early superscalar models of significant processor lines, such as the PA 7100, SuperSparc, Alpha 21064,<br />

R8000, and the Pentium, typically did not yet use renaming as indicated in Fig. 6.1. Renaming appeared<br />

gradually, first in a restricted form, called partial renaming, in the beginning of the 1990s, in the IBM<br />

RS/6000 (Power1), Power2, PowerPC 601, and in NextGen’s Nx586 processors, as depicted in Fig. 6.1.<br />

Partial renaming restricts renaming to one or to a few data types, such as floating point loads or floating<br />

point instructions, as detailed in the section “Scope of Register Renaming.” Full renaming emerged later,<br />

beginning in 1992, first in the high-end models of the IBM mainframe family ES/9000, then in the<br />

PowerPC 603. Subsequently, renaming spread into virtually all superscalar processors with the notable<br />

exception of Sun’s UltraSparc line. At present register renaming is considered to be a standard feature of<br />

performance oriented superscalar processors.<br />

Overview of the Rename Process<br />

i 2 ′<br />

The rename process itself is considerably complex. It consists of a number of rename specific tasks—such<br />

as renaming the destination and the source registers, fetching renamed source operands, updating the<br />

rename buffers, releasing allocated rename buffers, recovery of the rename process from faultily executed<br />

speculative execution, etc. In addition, each of the rename specific tasks may be implemented in a number<br />

of different ways. Furthermore, the kind of the underlying microarchitecture affects how the rename<br />

process is carried out. Therefore, each concrete description of the rename process is related to a particular<br />

kind of the renaming technique employed and the underlying microarchitecture. Thus, before describing<br />

the rename process we need to be specific about both the renaming technique and the microarchitecture<br />

assumed.<br />

As far as the renaming technique is concerned, in a subsequent section, we will show that eight basic<br />

alternatives for renaming are available. In our description of the rename process, we need to presume one

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