U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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delay is some fraction of the input clock period as determined by the phase detector. It is typically one,<br />

one half, or one quarter of the input clock period.<br />

The output delay, DO(s),<br />

is related to the input delay, DI(s),<br />

by<br />

where FREF<br />

is the reference frequency (Hz), ICH<br />

is the charge pump current (A), C is the loop filter<br />

capacitance (F), and KDL<br />

is the VCDL gain (s/V). The product of the delay difference and the reference<br />

frequency is equal to the fraction of the reference period in which the charge pump is activated. The average<br />

charge pump output current is equal to this fraction times the peak charge pump current. The output delay<br />

is then equal to the product of the average charge pump current, the loop filter transfer function, and the<br />

delay line gain.<br />

The closed-loop response is then given by<br />

where<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC<br />

DO(<br />

s)<br />

�DI(<br />

s)<br />

= 1/(<br />

1 + s/ ωN)<br />

ω N,<br />

defined as the loop bandwidth (rad/s), is given by<br />

ωN<br />

= ICH<br />

⋅ KDL<br />

⋅ FREF�C<br />

This response is of first order with a pole at ω N.<br />

Thus, the DLL acts as a single-pole low-pass filter to<br />

changes in the input reference period with cutoff frequency ωN.<br />

The delay between the reference and<br />

feedback signal will be a filtered version of a set fraction of the reference period. It is unconditionally<br />

stable as long as the continuous time approximation holds or, equivalently, as long as ω N is a decade<br />

below ωREF.<br />

As ω N increases above ωREF/10,<br />

the delay in sampling the phase error will become more<br />

significant and will begin to undermine the stability of the loop.<br />

DLL Design Strategy<br />

With an understanding of the DLL frequency response, we can consider how to structure the loop<br />

parameters to obtain desirable loop dynamics. Using the bandwidth results from the DLL frequency<br />

response and, limiting it to a decade below the reference frequency, we can determine the constraints on<br />

the charge pump current, VCDL gain, and loop filter capacitance as<br />

ω N�<br />

FREF<br />

= Ich<br />

⋅ KDL�<br />

C ≤ π �5<br />

The VCDL also must be structured so that it spans adequate delay range to guarantee lock for all<br />

operating, environmental, and process conditions. The delay range needed is constrained by the lock<br />

target delay of the phase detector, TLOCK,<br />

and the range of possible values for the clock distribution delay,<br />

, and the reference period, T , with the following equations:<br />

T<br />

DIST<br />

DO () s = ( DI() s – DO() s ) ⋅ FREF ⋅ ICH � ( s⋅C) ⋅ KDL CYCLE<br />


TLOCK – TDIST__MIN ( ) modulo T CYCLE_MIN<br />

( ) modulo T CYCLE_MAX<br />

where TLOCK<br />

is 1 cycle for in-phase locks and 1/4 cycles for quadrature locks.<br />

Also, special measures may be required to guarantee that the DLL reaches lock after being reset. These<br />

measures depend on the specific structure of the DLL. Typically, the VCDL delay is set to its minimum<br />

delay and the state of the phase detector is reset. However, for some DLLs, more complicated approaches<br />

may be required.<br />

Alternative DLL Structures<br />

The complexity of designing a DLL is not so much in the control dynamics as it is in the underlying structure.<br />

Although the DLLs discussed in this chapter are analog-based, using VCDLs with analog control, many other<br />

approaches are possible that utilize different amounts of analog and digital control. These approaches can

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