U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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FIGURE 2.66 Circuit diagram of 3-input OR/NOR function [22].<br />

3-input AND/NAND gates were implemented as cascade of 2-input gates with balanced loads, the loading<br />

would remain balanced.<br />

The example in Fig. 2.65 also illustrates the reduction in transistor count by overlapping cubes C 1 and<br />

C 3. The consequence of the overlapping is that both of the corresponding branches are simultaneously<br />

pulling down for those input vectors under which the cubes overlap. Direct realization of 3-input OR/NOR<br />

circuit, Fig. 2.66, is straightforward if complementarity and duality are applied to circuit in Fig. 2.65. A<br />

three-input XOR/XNOR circuit in CPL is typically composed of 2-input XOR/XNOR modules [3].<br />

Synthesis of CMOS PTL Networks (DPL and DVL)<br />

Synthesis of DPL<br />

DPL has twice as many transistors as CPL for the same logic function. Consequently, the synthesis of<br />

double pass-transistor logic is based on covering every input vector in the Karnaugh map twice. The idea<br />

is to assure all logic “0”s in the map are passed to the output through at least one NMOS branch and all<br />

logic “1”s through at least one PMOS branch.<br />

The rules to synthesize random logic function in DPL from its Karnaugh map are:<br />

1. Two NMOS branches cannot be overlapped on logic “1”s. Similarly, two PMOS branches cannot<br />

be overlapped on logic “0”s.<br />

2. Pass signals are expressed in terms of input signals or supply. Every input vector has to be covered<br />

with exactly two branches.<br />

Complementarity principle: The complementary logic function in DPL is generated after the following<br />

modifications of the true function: (1) swap PMOS and NMOS transistors, and (2) invert all pass and<br />

gate signals. Unlike purely NMOS pass-transistor networks, in CMOS networks both pass and gate signals<br />

need to be inverted because the PMOS and NMOS transistors are swapped in step (1).<br />

Duality principle: The dual logic function in DPL is generated when PMOS and NMOS transistors are<br />

swapped, and V dd and GND are swapped.<br />

The procedure to synthesize DPL circuits is illustrated on the example of 2-input AND circuit shown<br />

in Fig. 2.67. Cube C1, Fig. 2.67(a), is mapped to an NMOS transistor, with the source connected to<br />

ground and the gate connected to B.<br />

Cube C2 is mapped to a PMOS transistor, which passes A, when<br />

gate signal B<br />

is “low.” The NMOS transistor of C3 pulls down to ground, when A is “low,” and the PMOS<br />

transistor of C4 passes B, when A is “high.” Complementary circuit (NAND), Fig. 2.67(b), is generated<br />

from AND, by applying the complementarity principle. Following the duality principle, OR circuit is<br />

formed from AND circuit, Fig. 2.68.<br />

Different 2-input XOR/XNOR circuit arrangements are possible, depending on mapping strategy.<br />

Fig. 2.69 shows a realization with balanced load on both true and complementary input signals. Threeinput<br />

functions in DPL are implemented as cascaded combinations of 2-input DPL modules.<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC<br />

A<br />

A<br />

B<br />

B<br />

A C B A C B<br />

OR<br />


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