U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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The improvements in line widths, chip sizes, and speed should continue for several years. The International<br />

Roadmap for Semiconductors [36] outlines the expected improvements in technology. Samsung<br />

has already demonstrated a 4-GB DRAM chip [37]. Current fast production CMOS integrated circuit<br />

processes use line widths of 0.18 µ m and are moving to 0.13 µ m [38].<br />

4.3 Processors<br />

Early processors were based on mechanical devices. Later electro-mechanical relays were used to build<br />

computing devices [9]. Electronic digital computers were developed using vacuum tubes in the mid 1940s<br />

[10,11]. Transistors took over in early 1960s because of higher reliability, smaller size, and lower power<br />

consumption [17]. In the late 1960s, standard integrated circuits started to become available and were<br />

used in place of discrete transistors [19]. Integrated circuits allowed a high density of transistors, resulting<br />

in faster computers with lower price, lower power consumption, and higher reliability due to improved<br />

interconnections. The increasing complexity of integrated circuits, as outlined by Moore’s Law, allowed<br />

building ever increasingly complex microprocessors since the early 1970s [29].<br />

Processors have become categorized by application and particularly by cost and speed. In the 1970s,<br />

the main categories were: microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, and supercomputers. About<br />

1990, the fastest microprocessors started to overtake the fastest processors in speed. This has meant that<br />

new categories are often used, as almost all computer systems are now microprocessors or collections of<br />

microprocessors.<br />

The performance of processors is based mainly on the clock speed and the internal architecture. The<br />

clock speed depends primarily on the integrated circuit process technology. Internal pipelining [39],<br />

superscalar operation [40], and multiprocessor operation [41] are the main architectural improvements.<br />

RISC processors simplified the internal processor structure to allow faster clock operation [42,43].<br />

Internal code translation has allowed complex instruction sets to execute as sets of micro-operations with<br />

RISC characteristics. The goal of architectural improvements has been to improve performance, measured<br />

by the execution time of specific programs. The execution time equals the instruction count times the<br />

number of clock cycles per instruction (CPI) divided by the clock speed. RISC processors increased the<br />

instruction count, but improved the CPI, and allowed building simpler processors with faster clock<br />

speeds. Fast processors became much faster than the memory speed. Cache memory is used to help<br />

match the slower main memory with the faster CPU speed. Increased processor performance comes with<br />

increased complexity, which is seen as increased number of transistors on the processor chip. In current<br />

processor chips, the on-chip cache memory is sometimes larger than the processor core. Future processor<br />

chips are likely to have multiple processor cores and share large on-chip caches.<br />

Processors have been designed to operate on various word sizes. Some early computers worked with<br />

decimal numbers or variable-sized operands. Most computers used different numbers of binary digits;<br />

4, 8, 12, 18, and 36 bits were used in some computers. Most current computers use either 32 bits or 64 bits<br />

word-lengths. The trend is toward 64 bits, to allow a larger addressing range. Comparing the performance<br />

of different word-length computers may be difficult. Smaller word-lengths allow faster operation in a<br />

cheap processor with a small number of transistors and minimal internal wiring. But, processors with<br />

more address bits allow building larger and more complex programs, and allow easy access to large<br />

amounts of data. A common pitfall of designing general purpose computers has been to provide too<br />

small an address space [43]. Generally, word size and addressing space of processors have been increasing<br />

with time, driven roughly by the increasing complexity of integrated circuits.<br />

Early microprocessors had small 4 or 8 bit word-lengths (see Table 4.4). The size of the early integrated<br />

circuits limited the number of transistors and thus word-length. The very cheapest current microprocessors<br />

use small word-lengths to minimize costs. The most powerful current general purpose microprocessors<br />

have 64 bit word-lengths, although the mass market PCs still use 32 bit processors. Table 4.4<br />

shows some of the features of selected Intel microprocessors [32,34,35,44,45].<br />

The fastest processors are now microprocessors. The latest Pentium 4 processor (in March 2001) has a<br />

clock speed of 1.5 GHz. The distance that light travels in one clock cycle at 1.5 GHz (667 ps) is about 20 cm.<br />

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