U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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difficult to identify for overcurrent detection). Dynamic fault models require more test patterns than<br />

static fault models, but the effort for test pattern generation for dynamic fault models is tolerable. The<br />

highest effort in test pattern generation was spent for getting robust single input transition test patterns<br />

(Table 45.3) as expected. The time required for mixed-level test pattern generation is almost equal to the<br />

functional identical circuits described exclusively on the gate-level.<br />

A further compaction of the test set, in addition to the compaction (described in the subsection on<br />

“Merging of Test Pattern Pairs”) leading to a minimal test set, is not performed because long pattern<br />

sequences computed for transition fault models are difficult to compress with reordering methods as<br />

proposed in [2] for stuck-at pattern sets. With the use of an advanced fault simulator, which includes timing<br />

conditions such as FEHSIM [39,42], a further compaction of patterns is possible since MILEF performs a<br />

worst-case robustness check as described in the subsection on “Robustness Check for Pattern Pairs.”<br />

45.3 The Fogbuster Algorithm for Synchronous Circuits<br />

To also handle mixed-level sequential circuits without or with a partial scan path, the sequential test<br />

generation system SEMILET (sequential mixed-level test generator) was developed as an extension to<br />

MILEF. To improve shortcomings of the state-of-the-art test generators such as HITEC [43] and GENTEST<br />

[44], the FOGBUSTER (forward propagation backward justification sequential test generator) algorithm<br />

was developed.<br />

The only algorithm that uses exclusively forward time processing is the FASTEST approach [45]. The<br />

shortcomings of this algorithm are:<br />

• The circuit is copied as often as needed for test generation, so it is very memory consuming.<br />

• The test generation algorithm, in general, needs a large decision tree for fault excitation.<br />

In this section, the FOGBUSTER algorithm for test generation for synchronous sequential circuit and<br />

the sequential test generator SEMILET, which makes use of this algorithm are described.<br />

This section is organized as follows: Synchronous circuits that can be handled by our ATPG are<br />

characterized in subsection “Circuits.” The main differences of FOGBUSTER and the BACK-algorithm<br />

are pointed out in subsection “General Approach in Comparison with Other Algorithms.” The section<br />

“Test Generation Technique” describes FOGBUSTER, and subsection “Fault Propagation and Propagation<br />

Justification” gives a detailed description of the forward propagation technique. A solution for the<br />

over specification problem is presented in next subsection and finally, in next two subsections, the test<br />

generator SEMILET using the FOGBUSTER algorithm is described. Experimental results from the<br />

ISCAS ’89 benchmark circuits [46] are given in subsection “Experimental Results.”<br />

Circuits<br />

FOGBUSTER and SEMILET can handle a superset of synchronous sequential circuits that HITEC [43]<br />

and GENTEST [44] accept. These circuits have to match the following characteristics:<br />

• All feedback loops include at least one storage element.<br />

• All storage elements have a clock input that is connected to one global clock signal, one data input,<br />

and one noninverting data output. It is assumed that the storage elements are master-slave flipflops,<br />

or edge-triggered D-flip-flops.<br />

• Global set and/or reset signals that affect all storage elements are allowed. The test generator can<br />

take advantage of them.<br />

• The circuit may consist of primitive (AND, NAND, OR, NOR) and combinational complex gates.<br />

The restriction concerning the types of storage elements seems to be severe at first, but if the design<br />

consists of storage elements with a local set and/or reset possibility or with multiple clocking phases,<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC

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