U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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RISC processors<br />

Compaq Alpha<br />

Motorola MC 88000<br />

HP PA<br />

IBM Power<br />

PowerPC<br />

Alliance<br />

PowerPC<br />

MIPS R<br />

Sun/Hal SPARC<br />

CISC processors<br />

Intel 80x86<br />

IBM ES<br />

TRON Gmicro<br />

CYRIX M<br />

Motorola MC 68000<br />

AMD Nx/K<br />

FIGURE 6.1 Chronology of the introduction of renaming in commercial superscalar processors. As date of introduction,<br />

we indicate the first year of volume production. Following the model designation, we also show the issue<br />

rate of the processors (in brackets). Concerning the issue rate of CISC processors we note that one x86 instruction<br />

38<br />

can be considered to be equivalent of 1.3–1.9 RISC instructions. In this figure, we give references to the processors<br />

that make use of renaming.<br />

of them. Our choice is the one where (i) renaming is implemented by using rename register files (RRF) ,<br />

and (ii) architectural registers are mapped to rename registers by means of mapping tables.<br />

Although<br />

both terms are explained later in the subsequent section, beforehand we note that rename register files,<br />

split to separate fixed-point (FX) and floating-point (FP) RRFs, store the instruction results produced by<br />

the execution units temporarily, while the FX- and FP-mapping tables hold the actual mappings of the<br />

FX- and FP-architectural registers to the associated rename registers, as indicated in the section on<br />

“Methods of Register Mapping.”<br />

Concerning the underlying microarchitecture there are two design aspects, which affect the implementation<br />

of the rename process: (i) whether or not the processor uses shelving (dynamic instruction issue,<br />

queued issue; see related box) and (ii) assuming the use of shelving, what kind of operand fetch policy<br />

is employed (see related box). As recent superscalars predominantly make use of shelving,<br />

we take this<br />

design option for granted throughout this chapter section. Regarding the operand fetch policy, which is<br />

one design aspect of shelving, we take into account both alternatives, since superscalar processors make<br />

use of both policies. Thus, while we describe the rename process in the subsequent two sections, we do<br />

it in two scenarios, first assuming the issue bound fetch policy and then the dispatch bound fetch policy.<br />

In both the scenarios mentioned, we describe the rename process by focusing only on a small part of<br />

the microarchitecture, which is just enough to highlight the implementation of specific tasks of the<br />

rename process.<br />

The Process of Renaming, Assuming Issue-Bound Operand Fetching<br />

The considered part of the microarchitecture executes FX-instructions and consists of an architectural<br />

register file (ARF) and of an execution unit (EU), as shown in Fig. 6.2.<br />

We take for granted that shelving is implemented by providing dedicated buffers, called reservation<br />

stations ( RS),<br />

in front of the EU, and we assume that instructions are forwarded (dispatched ) from the<br />

RS to the EU in an in-order manner.<br />

Our subsequent description of the rename process is embedded into the general framework of instruction<br />

processing. Here, we distinguish the following four processing phases: (i) decoded instructions are<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC<br />

Power1 (4) 12<br />

(RS/6000)<br />

Alpha 21064 (2) Alpha 21164 (4)<br />

PA7100 (2)<br />

Power2 (6/4) 13<br />

PPC 601 (3) 15 ∗<br />

PPC 603 (3) 16 ∗<br />

∗∗∗<br />

SuperSparc (3)<br />

MC88110 (2)<br />

Pentium (2)<br />

ES/9000 (2) 28<br />

Gmicro/500 (2)<br />

MC 68060 (3)<br />

R 8000 (4)<br />

Nx586 ∗∗ (1/3) 31<br />

Alpha 21264(4) 7<br />

PA8000 (4)<br />

PentiumPro (3)<br />

9<br />

PM1(4) 23<br />

(Sparc64)<br />

Pentium III (3) 26<br />

PA8200(4) 10<br />

Power 3 (4)<br />

UltraSparc-2 (4)<br />

20<br />

PA 8500 (4) 11<br />

R 12000 (4) 22<br />

PPC 604 (4)<br />

UltraSparc (4)<br />

UltraSparc-3 (4)<br />

17 ∗<br />

Pentium/MMX (2)<br />

Pentium II(3) 25<br />

PPC 620 (4) 19 ∗<br />

R 10000 (4) 21<br />

PPC 602 (2) 18 ∗<br />

PA7200 (2) 8<br />

P2SC (6/4) 14 ∗∗∗<br />

Pentium 4 (3) 27<br />

24<br />

K5 (4) 32<br />

M1 (2) 29<br />

MII (2) 30<br />

K6 (3) 33<br />

K7 (3) 34<br />

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000<br />

- Partial renaming<br />

- Full renaming<br />

∗<br />

PPC designates PowerPC.<br />

∗∗<br />

The Nx586 has scalar issue for CISC instructions but a 3-way superscalar core for converted RISC instructions.<br />

∗∗∗ The issue rate of the Power2 and P2SC is 6 along the sequential path while only 4 immediately after a branch.

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