U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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FIGURE 2.15 A general model of a sequential network.<br />

Sequential CMOS Logic Circuits<br />

As mentioned earlier, in combinational logic circuits, the outputs are a logic combination of the current<br />

input signals. In sequential logic circuits the outputs depend not only on the current values of the inputs,<br />

but also on the preceding input values. Therefore, a sequential logic circuit must remember information<br />

about its past state. Figure 2.15 shows the schematic of a synchronous sequential logic circuit. The circuit<br />

consists of a combinational logic circuit, which accepts inputs X and Y1 and produces outputs Z and Y2. The output Y2 is stored in the memory element as a state variable. The number of bits in the state<br />

variable decides the number of available states, and for this reason a sequential circuit is also called a<br />

finite state machine. The memory element can be realized using level-triggered latches or edge triggered<br />

flip-flops.<br />

For a VLSI circuit designer, a number of different latches and flip-flops are available for the design<br />

of the memory element of a sequential circuit. Figure 2.16(a) shows the diagram of a CMOS positive<br />

level sensitive D latch realized using transmission gates and inverters and its switch level equivalent<br />

circuits for CLK = 0 and CLK = 1. It has a data input D and a clock input CLK. Q is the output and<br />

the complement of the output Q′ is also available. When CLK = 0, the transmission gate in the inverter<br />

loop will be closed and the transmission gate next to the data input will be open. This establishes a<br />

feedback path around the inverter pair and this feedback loop is isolated from the input D as shown<br />

in Fig. 2.16(a). This causes the current value of Q (and hence Q ′) to be stored in the inverter loop.<br />

When the clock input CLK = 1, the transmission gate in the inverter loop will be open and the transmission<br />

gate close to the input will be closed, as shown in Fig. 2.16(a). Now the output Q = D, and the<br />

data is accepted continuously. That is, any change at the input is reflected at the output after a nominal<br />

delay. By inverting the clocking signals to the transmission gates a negative level sensitive latch can be<br />

realized.<br />

A negative level sensitive latch and a positive level sensitive latch may be combined to form an edge<br />

triggered flip-flop. Figure 2.16(b) shows the circuit diagram of a CMOS positive edge triggered D flipflop.<br />

The first latch, which is the negative level sensitive latch, is called the master and the second latch<br />

(positive level sensitive latch) is called the slave. The electrical equivalent circuits for the CMOS positive<br />

edge triggered D flip-flop for CLK = 0 and for CLK = 1 are also shown in Fig. 2.16(b). When CLK = 0,<br />

both latches will be isolated from each other and the slave latch holds the previous value, and the master<br />

latch (negative level sensitive latch) follows the input (Qm = D′). When CLK changes from 0 to 1, the<br />

transmission gate closest to data D will become open and the master latch forms a closed loop and holds<br />

the value of D at the time of clock transition from 0 to 1. The slave latch feedback loop is now open,<br />

and it is now connected to the master latch through a transmission gate. Now the open slave latch passes<br />

the value held by the master (Qm = D′) to the output. The output Q = Q′ m,<br />

which is the value of the input<br />

D at the time of the clock transmission from 0 to 1. Since the master is disconnected from the data input<br />

D, the input D cannot affect the output. When the clock signal changes from 1 to 0, the slave forms a<br />

feedback loop, saving the value of the master and the open master start to sampling and following the<br />

input data D again. But, as is evident from the Fig. 2.16(b), this will not affect the output. Together with<br />

RAM and ROM, which are explained in the section on Memory Circuits, these structures form the basis<br />

of most CMOS storage elements and are also used as the memory element in the design of sequential<br />

circuits. Figure 2.16(c) shows the CMOS realization of the positive edge triggered D flip-flop, including<br />

the transistors required for generating the CLK′ signal—18 transistors are required for its implementation.<br />

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