U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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FIGURE 34.52 Feedback detector.<br />

Catastrophic error propagation can be avoided without precoder by forcing the output of the recursive<br />

filter of Fig. 34.52 to be binary (Fig. 34.52(a)). An erroneous estimate î n−2= −i n−2 leads to a digit<br />

whose polarity is obviously determined by in−2. Thus, the decision that is taken by the slicer in Fig. 34.52(a)<br />

will be correct if in happens to be the opposite of in−2. If data is uncorrelated, this will happen with<br />

probability 0.5, and error propagation will soon cease, since the average number of errors in a burst is<br />

1 + 0.5 + (0.5) 2 ιˆ n<br />

+… = 2. Error propagation is thus not a serious problem.<br />

The feedback detector of Fig. 34.52 is easily generalized to arbitrary partial response H(D). For purposes<br />

of normalization, H(D) is assumed to be causal and monic (i.e., hn = 0 for n < 0 and h0 = 1). The nontrivial<br />

taps h1, h2,…together form the “tail” of H(D). This tail can be collected in P(D), with pn = 0 for n ≤ 0<br />

and pn = hn for n ≥ 1. Hence, hn = δn + pn, where the Kronecker delta function δn represents the component<br />

h0 = 1. Hence<br />

The term (i ∗ p) n depends exclusively on past digits in−1, in−2,… that can be replaced by decisions ,<br />

,…. Therefore, an estimate of the current digit in can be formed according to = xk( ∗ p) n as<br />

in Fig. 34.52(b). As before, a slicer quantizes into binary decisions so as to avoid catastrophic error<br />

propagation. The average length of bursts of errors, unfortunately, increases with the memory order of<br />

H(D). Even so, error propagation is not normally a serious problem [21]. In essence, the feedback detector<br />

avoids noise enhancement by exploiting past decisions. This viewpoint is also central to decision-feedback<br />

equalization, to be explained later.<br />

Naturally, all this can be generalized to nonbinary data; but in magnetic recording, so far, only binary<br />

data are used (the so-called saturation recording). The reasons for this are elimination of hysteresis and<br />

the stability of the recorded sequence in time.<br />

Let us consider now the way the PR equalizer from Fig. 34.47 is constructed. In Fig. 34.53, a discretetime<br />

channel with transfer function F(e j2πΩ ) transforms in into a sequence yn = (i ∗ f ) n + un, where un is<br />

the additive noise with power spectral density U(e j2πΩ ), and yn represents the sampled output of a<br />

whitened matched filter. We might interpret F(e j2πΩ ) as comprising two parts: a transfer function<br />

H(e j2πΩ ιˆ n−2 ιˆ n ιˆ n ιˆ<br />

ιˆ n<br />

ιˆ n<br />

) that captures most of the amplitude distortion of the channel (the PR target) and a function<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC<br />

x n<br />

in<br />

in<br />

hk<br />

(a)<br />

hn<br />

(b)<br />

+<br />

+<br />

iˆ<br />

n−<br />

2<br />

Feedback detector<br />

xn n<br />

+<br />

+<br />

2<br />

D<br />

Feedback detector<br />

xn n<br />

P(D)<br />

ιˆ n = xn + ιˆ n−2 = in – in−2 + ιˆ n−2 = in – 2in−2 = ( i ∗ h)n=<br />

( i ∗ ( δ + p)<br />

)n= in + i ∗ p<br />

î<br />

î<br />

( )n<br />

.<br />

ιˆ n−1

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