U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

FIGURE 8.13 Measured response times and the results of the LDMVA model. (From Dujmovic, J., Tomasevich,<br />

D., and Au-Yeung, M., Proc. CMG, 1999, Reno, NV. With permission.)<br />

benchmarks accessing a 100 MB file and 1 GB file are presented in Fig. 8.13. The LDMVA model we used<br />

is based on measured disk parameters reported in the “Numerical Computation of the Average Seek<br />

Time” section and on the disk service time model Sd(F, n) proposed in the section on “Disk Access<br />

Optimization Model.” Disk accesses to a file of size F occur with the probability (F − C)/F and cache<br />

accesses with the probability C/F. The number of disk visits Vd now depends on the number of processor<br />

visits Vp and the size of file. If the number of disks is k then Vd(F) = Vp(F − C)/kF. Therefore, the disk<br />

cache causes both the disk service time and the number of visits to be functions of the file size. Processor<br />

prog cache<br />

service time is not constant. For cache accesses it can be expressed as Sp = tp + tp and for disk accesses<br />

prog cache disk<br />

as Sp = tp + tp + tp , where the three components correspond to the processor activity for the<br />

benchmark program, cache access, and serving the file management system during the disk access. The<br />

prog cache disk<br />

mean service time is Sp = tp + tp + tp (F − C)/F. The calibrated model in Fig. 8.13 has the mean<br />

modeling error of 7.4%.<br />

Predictive Power of Queuing Models<br />

Response Time [seconds]<br />

Measured (F=100 MB)<br />

Measured (F=1 GB)<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

Model (F=100 MB)<br />

Model (F=1 GB)<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20<br />

Degree of Multiprogramming N<br />

All queuing models have adjustable parameters (e.g., the processor and disk service times). The default<br />

values of these parameters, taken from manufacturers specifications, regularly yield rather large prediction<br />

errors. These errors can be reduced by corrections of parameters in a calibration process. During the<br />

model calibration the parameters are adjusted to minimize the difference between the measured values<br />

and computed values from the model. In essence, this is just a standard curve fitting process, and the<br />

resulting low description error is not necessarily a proof of the quality of the model. The only way to<br />

assess the quality of the model is through the analysis of the prediction errors.<br />

Let n be the number of measured response times R 1,…,R n and let us use the first m measured values,<br />

R 1,…,R m, m ≤ n, for the model calibration. The indicator p = 100 m/n shows the percent of values used<br />

for calibration. Let e(p) denote the average relative error between the measured vales and the values of<br />

the calibrated model for the whole range of n data points. Generally, e(p) is expected to be a decreasing<br />

function, and three typical such functions are presented in Figs. 8.14 and 8.15.<br />

In all cases, we measured the processor time and used this value in our LDMVA model. The calibration<br />

process included three parameters of the disk subsystem (minimum service time t min, maximum service<br />

time t max, and the exponent α introduced in the section on “A Simple Model of Cached Disk Access<br />

Time”). Consequently, the e(p) function starts with m = 3 points.<br />

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