U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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33. M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman. Randomized prefetching and caching. In Randomization in Parallel<br />

and Distributed Systems, S. Rajasekaran and S, Pardalos (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht,<br />

the Netherlands, 1999.<br />

34. M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman. Optimal prefetching and caching for parallel I/O systems. Proceedings<br />

13th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, July 2001.<br />

35. M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman. Analysis of simple randomized buffer management for parallel I/O,<br />

Online version available at www/ece/rice.edu/~pjv. (to be published in Information Processing<br />

Letters).<br />

36. T. Kimbrel and A. R. Karlin. Near-optimal parallel prefetching and caching. SIAM J. of Computing,<br />

5(3): 79–119, March 1988.<br />

37. J. Korst. Random duplicate assignment: an alternative to striping in video servers. In Proceedings<br />

ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 219–226, 1997.<br />

38. D. Kotz. Disk-directed I/O for MIMD multiprocessors. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,<br />

15(1): 41–74, Feb. 1997.<br />

39. W. B. Ligon III and R. B. Ross. Implementation and performance of a parallel file system for high<br />

performance distributed applications. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on<br />

High Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 471–480, Aug. 1996.<br />

40. T. Madyastha and D. A. Reed. Input/output access pattern classification using hidden Markov models.<br />

In Proceedings of 5th Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems, Nov. 1997.<br />

41. J. M. May. Parallel I/O for High-Performance Computing. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Academic<br />

Press, San Diego, CA, 2001.<br />

42. E. L. Miller and R. H. Katz. RAMA: An easy-to-use, high-performance parallel file system. Parallel<br />

Computing, 23(4–5): 419–446, June 1997.<br />

43. T. C. Mowry, A. K. Demke, and O. Krieger. Automatic compiler-inserted I/O prefetching for out-of-core<br />

applications. In Proceedings 2nd Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation,<br />

pp. 3–17, Oct. 1996.<br />

44. S. A. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam. Scalable concurrency control for parallel file systems (in [1]).<br />

45. National Storage Industry Consortium. See www.nsic.org.<br />

46. M. H. Nodine and J. S. Vitter. Greed sort: An optimal sorting algorithm for multiple disks. Journal<br />

of the ACM, 42(4): 919–933, July 1995.<br />

47. G. Ozsoyoglu and R. Snodgrass. Temporal and real-time databases: a survey. IEEE Transactions on<br />

Knowledge and Data Engineering, 7(4): 513–532, 1995.<br />

48. V. S. Pai, A. Schaffer, and P. J. Varman. Markov analysis of multiple-disk prefetching strategies for<br />

external merging. Theoretical Computer Science, 128(1–2): 211–239, June 1994.<br />

49. Parallel I/O Bibliography. See http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/pario/bib/.<br />

50. R. H. Patterson, G. Gibson, E. Ginting, D. Stodolsky, and J. Zelenka. Informed prefetching and<br />

caching. In Proceedings 15th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, pp. 79–95, Dec. 1995.<br />

51. RAID Advisory Board. See www.raid-advisory.com.<br />

52. P. Sanders, S. Egner, and J. H. M. Korst. Fast concurrent access to parallel disks. In Proceedings of<br />

the SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 849–858, Jan. 2000.<br />

53. SCSI Trade Organization. See www.scsita.org.<br />

54. R. Thakur et al. Passion: Optimized I/O for parallel applications. Computer, 29(6), June 1996.<br />

55. R. Tewari, R. Mukherjee, D. Dias, and H. Vin. Design and performance tradeoffs in clustered video<br />

servers. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Systems, pp. 144–150, 1996.<br />

56. S. Toledo. A survey of out-of-core algorithms in numerical linear algebra (in [1]).<br />

57. P. J. Varman and R. M. Verma. Tight bounds for prefetching and buffer management algorithms for<br />

parallel I/O systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 10: 1262–1275, Dec. 1999.<br />

58. J. S. Vitter and E. A. M. Shriver. Optimal algorithms for parallel memory, I: Two-level memories.<br />

Algorithmica, 12(2–3): 110–147, 1994.<br />

59. L. Zheng and Per-Ake Larson. Speeding up external mergesort. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and<br />

Data Engineering, 8(2): 322–332, April 1996.<br />

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