U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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is generally the most important measure of performance. Execution time is the product of the number<br />

of instructions, cycles per instruction (CPI), and the clock period. Throughput of an application is a<br />

more important metric, especially in server systems. In servers that serve the banking industry, airline<br />

industry, or other similar businesses, what is important is the number of transactions that could be<br />

completed in unit time. Such servers, typically called transaction processing systems use transactions per<br />

minute (tpm) as a performance metric. Millions of instructions per second (MIPS) and million of floating<br />

point operations per second (MFLOPS) were very popular measures of performance in the past. Both<br />

of these are very simple and straightforward to understand and hence have been used often, however,<br />

they do not contain all three components of program execution time and hence are incomplete measures<br />

of performance. Several low level metrics are of interest to microprocessor designers, in order to help<br />

them identify performance bottlenecks and tune their designs. Cache hit ratios, branch misprediction<br />

ratios, number of off-chip memory accesses, etc. are examples of such measures.<br />

Another major problem is the issue of reporting performance with a single number. A single number<br />

is easy to understand and easy to be used by the trade press. Use of several benchmarks also makes it<br />

necessary to find some kind of a mean. Arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and harmonic mean are three<br />

ways of finding the central tendency of a group of numbers; however, it should be noted that each of<br />

these means should be used in appropriate conditions depending on the nature of the numbers which<br />

need to be averaged. Simple arithmetic mean can be used to find average execution time from a set of<br />

execution times. Geometric mean can be used to find the central tendency of metrics that are in the form<br />

of ratios (e.g., speedup) and harmonic mean can be used to find the central tendency of measures that<br />

are in the form of a rate (e.g., throughput). Cragon [2] and Smith [3] discuss the use of the appropriate<br />

mean for a given set of data. Cragon [2] and Patterson and Hennessy [4] illustrate several mistakes one<br />

could possibly make while finding a single performance number.<br />

The rest of this chapter section is organized as follows. “Performance Measurement” describes performance<br />

measurement techniques including hardware on-chip performance monitoring counters on microprocessors.<br />

“Performance Modeling” describes simulation and analytical modeling of microprocessors and<br />

computer systems. “Workloads and Benchmarks” presents several state-of-the-art benchmark suites for a<br />

variety of workloads. Due to space limitations, we describe some typical examples of tools and techniques<br />

and provide the reader with pointers for more information.<br />

Performance Measurement<br />

Performance measurement is used for understanding systems that are already built or prototyped.<br />

Performance measurement can serve two major purposes: tune this system or systems to be built and<br />

tune the application if source code and algorithms can still be changed. Essentially, the process involves<br />

(i) understanding the bottlenecks in the system that has been built, (ii) understanding the applications<br />

that are running on the system and the match between the features of the system and the characteristics<br />

of the workload, and (iii) innovating design features that will exploit the workload features. Performance<br />

measurement can be done via the following means:<br />

• Microprocessor on-chip performance monitoring counters<br />

• Off-chip hardware monitoring<br />

• Software monitoring<br />

• Microcoded instrumentation<br />

On-Chip Performance Monitoring Counters<br />

All state-of-the-art high performance microprocessors including Intel’s Pentium III and Pentium IV, IBM’s<br />

POWER 3 and POWER 4 processors, AMD’s Athlon, Compaq’s Alpha, and Sun’s UltraSPARC processors<br />

incorporate on-chip performance monitoring counters, which can be used to understand performance of<br />

these microprocessors, while they run complex, real-world workloads. This ability has overcome a<br />

serious limitation of simulators, that they often could not execute complex workloads. Now, complex<br />

run-time systems involving multiple software applications can be evaluated and monitored very closely.<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC

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