U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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transporting digital bits, whereas link-layer network processors deal with framing, bit error detection/correction<br />

and arbitration of concurrent accesses to shared media. Network-layer processors operate on<br />

individual packets and determine how to route packets from their senders to receivers in a particular<br />

order, and modify their headers or even payloads along the way if necessary. Because the Internet is<br />

largely based on the IP protocol, almost all state-of-the-art network-layer processors are designed to<br />

process IP packets only. The conspicuous exception is network-layer processors designed for ATM networks.<br />

The focus of this paper, however, is exclusively on network-layer processors, which can operate<br />

at from Layer 3 to Layer 7 in the ISO/OSI protocol stack model.<br />

In general, three approaches are used for network processor design, which correspond to different<br />

design points in the programmability/performance spectrum. The ASIC approach takes a full customization<br />

route by dedicating specially-made hardware logic to specific network packet processing functionalities.<br />

Although this approach gives the highest performance, it is typically not programmable and therefore<br />

not sufficiently flexible to support a wide variety of network devices. Consequently, such processors are<br />

more expensive and tend to be outdated sooner because they cannot exploit economies of scale to keep<br />

up with technology advances. The general-purpose CPU approach either takes an existing processor for<br />

PCs or embedded systems as it is, or augments it with a small set of instructions specifically included to<br />

improve network packet processing. While this approach admits the most programming flexibility, the<br />

throughput of these processors is substantially lower than what modern network devices require. The<br />

main reason for this lackluster performance is that network device workloads are data movementintensive,<br />

whereas traditional processors are designed to support computation-intensive tasks. The last<br />

approach to network processor design, programmable network processor, attempts to strike a balance<br />

between programmability and performance and achieves the best of both worlds. Instead of using generalpurpose<br />

instruction set, a programmable network processor defines the set of instruction set primitives<br />

for network packet processing from scratch, and exposes these primitives to system designers so that they<br />

can tailor the processor to the requirement of different network devices. In the rest of this paper, we will<br />

concentrate only on programmable network processors, as they represent the most promising and commercially<br />

popular approach to network processor design.<br />

In addition to the basic network processing function such as packet routing and forwarding, modern<br />

network processors are tasked with additional capabilities that support advanced network functionalities,<br />

such as differentiated quality of service (QoS), encryption/decryption, etc. For network processors that<br />

are to be used in edge network devices, they may need to perform even higher-level tasks such as<br />

firewalling, virtual private network (VPN) support, load balancing, etc. Given an increasing variety of<br />

features that network devices have to support, it is crucial for a network processor architecture to be<br />

sufficiently general that system designers can build newer functionalities on these processors without<br />

causing serious performance degradation. The challenge for network processor design is thus to identify<br />

the set of packet processing primitives that is elastic enough to support as many different types of network<br />

devices as possible, and at the same time is sufficiently customized so that the performance overhead<br />

due to “impedance mismatch” is minimized.<br />

In the rest of this chapter section, we first discuss fundamental design issues related to network<br />

processor architecture in the “Design Issues” section, and then describe specific network processor architectural<br />

features that have been proposed in the “Architectural Support for Network Packet Processing”<br />

section. In the section on “Example Network Processors,” we review the design of several commercially<br />

available network processors to contrast their underlying approaches. Finally, we outline future network<br />

processor research directions in the “Conclusion” section.<br />

Design Issues<br />

To understand the network processor architecture, let us first look at what a programmable network<br />

processor is supposed to do. After receiving an IP packet from an input interface, the network processor<br />

first determines the output interface via which the packet should be forwarded toward its destination.<br />

In the case that multiple input packets are destined to the same output interface, the network processor<br />

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