U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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11. Ikehara, M., Tanaka, H., and Kuroda, H., Design of IIR digital filters using allpass networks, IEEE<br />

Trans. Circuits Syst. II, 41, 231–235, March 1994.<br />

12. Lang, M., Allpass filter design and applications, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 46, 2505–2513, Sep.<br />

1998.<br />

13. Zhang, X. and Iwakura, H., Design of IIR digital allpass filters based on eigenvalue problem, IEEE<br />

Trans. Signal Processing, 47, 554–559, Feb. 1999.<br />

14. Weinberg, L., Network analysis and synthesis, R. E. Kreiger, Huntington, NY, 1975.<br />

15. Steiglitz, K. and McBride, L. E., A technique for the identification of linear systems, IEEE Trans.<br />

Automatic Control, 10, 461–464, Oct. 1965.<br />

16. Parks, T. W. and McClellan, J. H., Chebyshev approximation for nonrecursive digital filters with<br />

linear phase, IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, CT-19, 189–194, March 1972.<br />

17. McClellan, J. H. and Parks, T. W., A unified approach to the design of optimal FIR linear-phase<br />

digital filters, IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, CT-20, 697–701, Nov. 1973.<br />

18. McClellan, J. H., Parks, T. W., and Rabiner, L. R., A computer program for designing optimum FIR<br />

linear phase digital filters, IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust., AU-21, 506–526, Dec. 1973.<br />

19. Remez, E. Ya., General computational methods of Chebyshev approximation, Atomic Energy Translation,<br />

4491, 1957.<br />

20. Chen, X. and Parks, T. W., Design of FIR filters in the complex domain, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech,<br />

Signal Processing, ASSP-35, 144–153, Feb. 1987.<br />

21. Alkhairy, A. S., Christian, K. G., and Lim, J. S., Design and characterization of optimal FIR filters<br />

with arbitrary phase, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 41, 559–572, Feb. 1993.<br />

22. Komodromos, M. Z., Russell, S. F., and Tang, P. T. P., Design of FIR filters with complex desired<br />

frequency response using a generalized Remez algorithm, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, 42, 274–278,<br />

April 1995.<br />

23. Burnside, D. and Parks, T. W., Optimal design of FIR filters with the complex Chebyshev error<br />

criteria, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 43, 605–616, March 1995.<br />

24. Vuerinckx, R., Design of Digital Chebyshev Filters in the Complex Domain, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,<br />

Oct. 1997.<br />

25. Karam, L. J., Design of Complex Digital FIR Filters in the Chebyshev sense, Georgia Institute of Technology,<br />

March 1995.<br />

26. Karam, L. J. and McClellan, J. H., Chebyshev digital FIR filter design, Signal Processing, 76, 17–36,<br />

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27. Adams, J. W., FIR digital filters with least-squares stopbands subject to peak-gain constraints, IEEE<br />

Trans. Circuits Syst., 39, 376–388, April 1991.<br />

28. Sullivan, J. L. and Adams, J. W., Peak-constrained least-squares optimization, IEEE Trans. Signal<br />

Processing, 46, 306–321, Feb. 1998.<br />

29. Sullivan, J. L. and Adams, J. W., PCLS IIR digital filters with simultaneous frequency response<br />

magnitude and group delay specification, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 46, 2853–2861, Nov. 1998.<br />

30. Lang, M. C., An iterative reweighted least squares algorithm for constrained design of nonlinear<br />

phase FIR filters, Proc. IEEE ISCAS, 5, 367–370, 1998.<br />

31. Lang, M. C., Multiple exchange algorithm for constrained design of FIR filters in the complex<br />

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33. Lim, Y. C., Lee, J. H., Chen, C. K., and Yang, R. H., A weighted least squares algorithm for quasiequiripple<br />

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34. Burrus, C. S., Barreto, J. A., and Selesnick, I. W., Iterative reweighted least-square design of FIR<br />

filters, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 42, 2926–2936, Nov. 1994.<br />

35. Lertniphonphun, W. and McClellan, J. H., Unified design algorithm for complex FIR and IIR filters,<br />

Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2001.<br />

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