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Einleitung<br />

“It is also a fertility rite. Every year in April, when the first yam crop is ready, the islanders on<br />

the south of the island start building a huge tower for the land diving... As the vines stretch at<br />

the end of the dive, the land diver's heads curl under and their shoulders touch the earth, making<br />

it fertile for the following year's yam crop.”<br />

(Vanuatu Tourism Office – Broschüre, 2004)<br />

“It’s not a show for tourists but an important part of custom ceremony. Up to 30 ‘outsiders’<br />

are permitted to watch the dives on the designated days. It is part of the annual yam festival<br />

and circumcised boys and men of all ages can take part. While it is a ‘manhood’ thing, there is<br />

no shame in not participating, or indeed pulling out at the last minute… Usually, he will hit<br />

the broken earth and ‘fertilise’ the soil, bringing on a healthy yam crop. The jumper’s male<br />

relatives release him and the watchers again break into singing and dancing.”<br />

(http://www.vanuatuatoz.com/n.html, Stand: 10. März 2006)<br />

“Our visit to Pentecost Island was highlighted by the stunning display of land diving, a ceremony<br />

held in the hope of a good Yam harvest in the coming season as well as a ritual of initiation<br />

into manhood for the divers.” (http://www.matthew.mumford.com/Melanesia-<br />

Expedition-Log-1.htm, Stand: 10. März 2006)<br />

“Naghol, or N'gol, is known by outsiders to be a fertility rite. As the divers head grazes the<br />

soil below, the land is made fertile and assures a good yam harvest. The rite, however, has<br />

much deeper and important meaning that is largely kept from the tourists who pay to see the<br />

ceremony. It is a tradition crucial to the cultural and spiritual life of those who participate…<br />

For the tourists, the rite is entertainment - they feel like they are seeing something exotic and<br />

special. The villagers, however, are careful to preserve their cultural and spiritual integrity,<br />

and the true and significant reasons and meanings of the ceremony are not revealed…. A<br />

mother holds a cloth "baby" in her arms as her son makes his first dive, tossing it into the air<br />

as he jumps, representing the passing of his childhood…. It is not seen as a "thrilling sport" -<br />

it is valued for its spiritual and cultural functions. The N'gol ceremony is a part of the secret<br />

initiation process for boys (which is why they must be a certain age and circumcised in order<br />

to dive) and has much deeper significance than most outsiders will ever know…. As eager<br />

tourists watch and comment on the success of each dive, the meaning of the event continues<br />

to be misunderstood and under-valued. Because of the spiritual and cultural importance of the<br />

rite, the esoteric knowledge of the N'gol ceremony may never be known to the outside world.<br />

The sacred initiation ceremony has become not only a tourist attraction, but has "evolved"<br />

into one of the most popular "extreme sports" of modern times. The villagers of Vanuatu dive<br />

for many cultural and spiritual reasons; today's youth jump solely for the adrenaline rush.”<br />

(http://theearthcenter.com/ffarchivesbungee.html, Stand: 10. März 2006)<br />

Die Liste derartiger Texte aus Reiseführern, Vanuatu-Werbeprospekten oder<br />

dem Internet könnte beinahe beliebig verlängert werden, man stieße immer wieder<br />

auf die gleichen, stereotypen Erklärungen. Nun könnte man annehmen, daß<br />

wenigstens die professionellen TV-Teams und Journalisten, die das Turmspringen<br />

zum Gegenstand ihrer Reportagen, Dokumentationen und TV-Beiträge machen,<br />

gründlichere Recherchen anstellen und zu anderen Interpretationen kommen.<br />

Schließlich stellen sie über ihre massenwirksamen Medien eine große Öffentlichkeit<br />

her und spielen eine eminent wichtige Rolle bei der Vermittlung von<br />

„Weltwissen“. Um so erstaunlicher ist, daß sie bei der „Enträtselung“ des Turmspringens<br />

als ernstzunehmende Bedeutungsvermittler weitgehend ausfallen. Ihr<br />

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