XXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas

XXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas

XXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas


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- 21 3 ­<br />

from the youngest part (11 this cemetery show, however, only the triangulpr<br />

generalized variant. The overlapping of variants was to have<br />

been expected and perhaps is only seeming, being caused by ancient disturbances<br />

of the burials in the crow<strong>de</strong>d holy ground in front of the<br />

temple. As previously stated the finding at Pachacamac of thin silver<br />

pieces cut into disks, leaf-shapes, oblongs, crescents, <strong>de</strong>vices such as<br />

fonn the featl1J;es of one class of false heads at Ancon, suggests that<br />

this type was also used in the southern religious center.<br />

Before summing up the evi<strong>de</strong>nce for the central coast of Pe1'u, it werlO<br />

well to consi<strong>de</strong>r lhe an:haeological findings to the no1'th and south. According<br />

to Scott (ro) no mummy oundles and no false heads we1'e used<br />

in the Chira Valley, which was a center of Early Chimu life. Seemingly<br />

the custom of giving fa1se heac1s to l11ummy-baJes, w h <strong>de</strong> exk nc1 ing i Illl><br />

the southern 01' Late Chimu region, was characterized by other media for<br />

the expression of funeral arto It is true that the Uhle coll ec tion in the<br />

University Museum has a casing for a false head which Dr. Uh'e bought<br />

at Lima anc1 attributec1 to Northern Peru, especially Truji110. It is of<br />

closely woven cloth changing at the back to a flimsy weave. The cloth<br />

was folc1ec1 anc1 sewed up the si<strong>de</strong> s like a pillow-case, but with the back<br />

much longer than the front. A drawing-string across midway <strong>de</strong>finen<br />

the head when the stuffing was in place. The face is painted red with<br />

embroi<strong>de</strong>red eyes, and mouth with teeth represented, and a woo<strong>de</strong>n nose.<br />

"Bangs" or a forehead fringe is painted, while a braid of artificial hair<br />

is sewed along the top \vilh lhe locks hanging loo ~ ely al lhe back. This<br />

is certainly not a northern type and it seems probable that the false head<br />

had its origin not far from the place of purchase. This and a woo<strong>de</strong>n<br />

mask figured by Schmidt (TI) and attributed to Chimbote are the only<br />

funeral masks known to the writer which do not conform to the art<br />

of t himu.<br />

The masks of Chimu-land are of beaten metal- copper, silver, gold,<br />

01' their a11oys, and obviously indica te two methods. of employment. A<br />

flat sheet with repousse features., more 01' less squal'e in outline, formecl<br />

the face of a mUl11mybundle; one <strong>de</strong>eply concavo-convex mo<strong>de</strong>l probabh'<br />

covel'ecl the fa ce of the <strong>de</strong>ad, doubtless separated by a layer of cotton 01'<br />

50ft cloth.<br />

Copper l11asks have been figurcd from Pacasmayo, Chical11a (12),<br />

and Chimbote (I3). One in the Uhle colIection was purchasecl in Lima<br />

with other object5 from Northern Peru. The features are in repQussé<br />

(ro) Scott, S. M.-L. c., p. 13.<br />

(JI) Schmidt.-L. c., p. 550, fig. 2.<br />

(12) Schmidt, M.-L, c., p. 375', 374.<br />

(13) Dorsey, George A.-A Copper Mask frOI11 Chil11bote, P eru. Amcr. .'\nt[l.,<br />

X, 1897, P 413.

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