XXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas

XXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas

XXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas


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- 319­<br />

at all times has been relatively less hospitable than that 01 Tasmal1l;,<br />

and Australia. From this point of view \\'e ll1ight expect robes to hale<br />

been first <strong>de</strong>veloped in Fuegia rather than in Australasia, if a sll1g.\<br />

origin of these two mo<strong>de</strong>rn appearances is in sisted upon.<br />

However, lhe Australian mantles are not the only robes \vith \\'hich<br />

a historical relationship wi:th the Fuegian cloaks has be en sought, for<br />

Lothrop has put forth a claim in behalf of the pelicanskin mantles oi<br />

the Nort American Seri uf the Gulf of California. A1though the writer<br />

regards such a theory as equally far-fetched and Ul1 supported by pertinent<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nce, it must be admitted that if a choice had to be ma<strong>de</strong>, the lattu<br />

theory would be the more reasonable in view of the land connection<br />

between the two regions. At any rate, Rivet is thus faced with a<br />

dilemma, for if it can be admitted that the Seri robes are the results<br />

of in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt origin, a similar reasoning holds equally wel! for the<br />

Fuegian and Australian appearances. On the other hand, if it is <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

that such simple garments could have been invented in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly by<br />

either of the latter peoples, it follows that a claim of historical relationship<br />

between the Seri robes and the others is likewise valid, os should we sa),<br />

not less valido<br />

There is no objection to the belief that ski n mantles may have been<br />

prescnt in Australia 6,000 yea rs ago. Their ::tppea rancc in T,;smania is<br />

support for such a belief. However, such cannot be regar<strong>de</strong>d as substantiating<br />

in any "vay the migration theory of R i vel. In<strong>de</strong>ed i t seems<br />

plausible to believe that if these simple mantles h,iVe not been <strong>de</strong>velopecl<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly by various mo<strong>de</strong>rn peoples bL1t are [he survivals of a<br />

common origin that their beginning may also antedate Horno Sapiens<br />

and as sllch the present appearances could not be accepted as valid evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

to show relationship between specific mo<strong>de</strong>rn cultures,<br />

It is interesting to note that Koppers \\ ho seizes every possible similarity<br />

or distant resemblance i11 Fuegian zlncl Au ~ tra l i;'lI1 cultures in his<br />

efforts to show historical unity j'ejects skin l11antles as of too questionab~e<br />

a nature to serve his purposes.<br />

HaJf-hitch Coilecl Baslwtr)'- Jt is assl1med that this type 01 basketry<br />

IS implied by la teclmique c/u Iressage ail cardan. To my mind thi s<br />

is the only trait listed for the two areas the charJcteristics of which are<br />

sufficiently specific to permit a fair and cJefinite comparison. Although<br />

it cannot be g ranted that a theory of a unitary origin is the only reasonab'e<br />

explanabon for these appearances, tbe technique involving two<br />

simple and wi<strong>de</strong>ly distributed elements, multi-strand coils and halfhitcbing,<br />

which conceivably could have been combined in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly in<br />

two or more regions, it can be admitted that such a theory is reasonable.<br />

It do es not follow, however, that such an admission supports the contention<br />

that Australians are responsible for the presence of this technique

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