Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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966 Chapter 17: The Cell Cycle

Figure 17–5 Mammalian cells proliferating in culture. The cells in this

scanning electron micrograph are rat fibroblasts. Cells at the lower left have

rounded up and are in mitosis. (Courtesy of Guenter Albrecht-Buehler.)

cells, and all eukaryotes appear to use similar machinery and control mechanisms

to drive and regulate cell-cycle events. The proteins of the cell-cycle control

system, for example, first appeared over a billion years ago. Remarkably, they have

been so well conserved over the course of evolution that many of them function

perfectly when transferred from a human cell to a yeast cell. We can therefore

study the cell cycle and its regulation in a variety of organisms and use the findings

from all of them to assemble a unified picture of how eukaryotic cells divide.

Several model organisms are used in the analysis of the eukaryotic cell cycle.

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces

pombe are simple eukaryotes in which powerful molecular and genetic

approaches can be used to identify and characterize the genes and proteins that

govern the fundamental features of cell division. The early embryos of certain

animals, particularly those of the frog Xenopus laevis, are excellent tools for biochemical

dissection of cell-cycle control mechanisms, while the fruit fly Drosophila

melanogaster is useful for the genetic analysis of mechanisms underlying the

control and coordination of cell growth and division in multicellular organisms.

Cultured human cells provide an excellent system for the molecular and microscopic

exploration of the complex processes by which our own cells divide.

Cell-Cycle Progression Can Be Studied in Various Ways

How can we tell what stage a cell has reached in the cell cycle? One way is simply

to look at living cells with a microscope. A glance at a population of mammalian

cells proliferating in culture reveals that a fraction of the cells have rounded up

and are in mitosis (Figure 17–5). Others can be observed in the process of cytokinesis.

Similarly, looking at budding yeast cells under a microscope is very useful,

because the size of the bud provides an indication of cell-cycle stage (Figure

17–6). We can gain additional clues about cell-cycle position by staining cells with

DNA-binding fluorescent dyes (which reveal the condensation of chromosomes

in mitosis) or with antibodies that recognize specific cell components such as the

microtubules (revealing the mitotic spindle). S-phase cells can be identified in

the microscope by supplying them with visualizable molecules that are incorporated

into newly synthesized DNA, such as the artificial thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine

(BrdU); cell nuclei that have incorporated BrdU are then revealed

by staining with anti-BrdU antibodies (Figure 17–7).

Typically, in a population of cultured mammalian cells that are all proliferating

rapidly but asynchronously, about 30–40% will be in S phase at any instant and

become labeled by a brief pulse of BrdU. From the proportion of cells in such a

population that are labeled, we can estimate the duration of S phase as a fraction

of the whole cell-cycle duration. Similarly, from the proportion of cells in mitosis

(the mitotic index), we can estimate the duration of M phase.

Another way to assess the stage that a cell has reached in the cell cycle is by

measuring its DNA content, which doubles during S phase. This approach is

greatly facilitated by the use of fluorescent DNA-binding dyes and a flow cytometer,

which allows the rapid and automatic analysis of large numbers of cells (Figure

17–8). We can use flow cytometry to determine the lengths of G 1 , S, and G 2

+ M phases, by measuring DNA content in a synchronized cell population as it

progresses through the cell cycle.

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Figure 17–6 The morphology of budding yeast cells. In a normal

population of proliferating yeast cells, buds vary in size according to the

cell-cycle stage. Unbudded cells are in G 1 . Progression through the Start

transition triggers formation of a tiny bud, which grows in size during the

S and M phases until it is almost the size of the mother cell. (Courtesy of

Jeff Ubersax.)

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