Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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5 µm




Rho dominates,



G 12/13

then activates the Arp 2/3 complex leading to lamellipodial protrusion. Through

an unknown mechanism, accumulation of the polarized actin web at the leading

edge causes further local enhancement of PI3K activity in a positive feedback

loop, strengthening the induction of protrusion. The PI(3,4,5)P 3 that activates Rac

cannot diffuse far from its site of synthesis, since it is rapidly converted back into

PI(4,5)P 2 by a constitutively active lipid phosphatase. At the same time, binding

of the chemoattractant ligand to its receptor activates another signaling pathway

that turns on Rho and enhances myosin-based contractility. The two processes

directly inhibit each other, such that Rac activation dominates in the front of the

cell and Rho activation dominates in the rear (Figure 16–86B). This enables the

cell to maintain its functional polarity with protrusion at the leading edge and

contraction at the back.

Nondiffusible chemical cues attached to the extracellular matrix or to the surface

of cells can also influence the direction of cell migration. When these signals

activate receptors, they MBoC6 can cause m16.101/16.89 increased cell adhesion and directed actin

polymerization. Most long-distance cell migrations in animals, including neuralcrest-cell

migration and the travels of neuronal growth cones, depend on a combination

of diffusible and nondiffusible signals to steer the locomoting cells or

growth cones to their proper destinations.

Communication Among Cytoskeletal Elements Coordinates

Whole-Cell Polarization and Locomotion

The interconnected cytoskeleton is crucial for cell migration. Although movement

is driven primarily by actin polymerization and myosin contractility, septins and

intermediate filaments also participate. For example, vimentin intermediate filament

networks associate with integrins at focal adhesions, and vimentin-deficient

fibroblasts display impaired mechanical stability, migration, and contractile

capacity. Furthermore, disruption of linker proteins that connect different cytoskeletal

elements, including several plakins and KASH proteins, leads to defects

in cell polarization and migration. Thus, interactions among cytoplasmic filament

systems, as well as mechanical linkage to the nucleus, are required for complex,

whole-cell behaviors such as migration.

Cells also use microtubules to help organize persistent movement in a specific

direction. In many locomoting cells, the position of the centrosome is influenced

by the location of protrusive actin polymerization. Activation of receptors

on the protruding front edge of a cell might locally activate dynein motor proteins

that move the centrosome by pulling on its microtubules. Several effector proteins

downstream of Rac and Rho modulate microtubule dynamics directly: for

example, a protein kinase activated by Rac can phosphorylate (and thereby

inhibit) the tubulin-binding protein stathmin (see Panel 16–4), thereby stabilizing



PI(3,4,5)P 3


G i

Rac dominates,







Figure 16–86 Neutrophil polarization

and chemotaxis. (A) The pipette tip at

the right is leaking a small amount of

the bacterial peptide formyl-Met-Leu-

Phe, which is recognized by the human

neutrophil as the product of a foreign

invader. The neutrophil quickly extends a

new lamellipodium toward the source of

the chemoattractant peptide (top). It then

extends this lamellipodium and polarizes

its cytoskeleton so that contractile myosin

II is located primarily at the rear, opposite

the position of the lamellipodium (middle).

Finally, the cell crawls toward the source

of the peptide (bottom). If a real bacterium

were the source of the peptide, rather than

an investigator’s pipette, the neutrophil

would engulf the bacterium and destroy

it (see also Figure 16–3 and Movie

16.14). (B) Binding of bacterial molecules

to G-protein-coupled receptors on the

neutrophil stimulates directed motility.

These receptors are found all over the

surface of the cell, but are more likely to be

bound to the bacterial ligand at the front.

Two distinct signaling pathways contribute

to the cell’s polarization. At the front of the

cell, stimulation of the Rac pathway leads,

via the trimeric G protein G i , to growth

of protrusive actin networks. Second

messengers within this pathway are shortlived,

so protrusion is limited to the region

of the cell closest to the stimulant. The

same receptor also stimulates a second

signaling pathway, via the trimeric G

proteins G 12 and G 13 , that triggers the

activation of Rho. The two pathways are

mutually antagonistic. Since Rac-based

protrusion is active at the front of the cell,

Rho is activated only at the rear of the cell,

stimulating contraction of the cell rear and

assisting directed movement. (A, from

O.D. Weiner et al., Nat. Cell Biol. 1:75–81,

1999. With permission from Macmillan

Publishers Ltd.)

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