Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Index I:29

lateral diffusion in bilayers 570, 588, 589F

lateral inhibition 867, 868F, 1151–1152,

1174F, 1178–1179

Notch mediated 1171–1173,


latrunculin 904, 906

Lck protein kinase 862, 1332, 1337F

LDLs (low-density lipoproteins) 733–734

LDV sequence (Leu-Asp-Val) 1075

leading strand, defined 242

“leaky scanning” 348, 424

lectin pathway, complement system



carbohydrate layer affinity 582

in cell recognition 575–576

ER chaperones as 685–686

export from ER 711–712, 720

mannose-binding lectin (MBL) 711,

1301, 1302F

receptors as PRRs 1300

selectins as 1054, 1312

LEF1/TCF transcription regulator 870F,


Lefty protein 1168

Legionella (L. pneumophila) 739, 1284F,


Legionnaire’s disease 1263, 1285

Leishmania (L. tarentolae) 804, 1284F,


leptin genes 219–220F

leptotene 1006, 1007F

Let7 gene 1180–1181

lethal mutations 487, 488, 491, 496

leucine-rich repeats 1299–1300

leucine structure 113


acute lymphocytic leukemias 1117

Bcl2 overproduction and 1246–1247

as cancers of white blood cells 1092

chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)

1093–1095, 1135–1136

leukocyte adhesion deficiency 1076T,


leukocytes see white blood cells

LeuT protein 604F

lever arm, myosin 916, 917F, 925F

LFA1 (α L β 2 integrin) 1055F, 1076T, 1077

Lgr5 gene 1221–1223, 1224F

LHC (light-harvesting complexes/antenna

complexes) 788–789, 794F

licensing, of replication origins 974–975

life, origins of 362–366

ligand-gated channels 614, 629, 636

ligand-modulated transcription regulators

874–876, 877F


binding and allostery 152–153

binding and linkage 151

binding and RTK dimerization 851

defined 134

in extracellular signaling 815–816

see also binding sites

light chains

dyneins 937

immunoglobulin 1316, 1317F, 1318,

1319F, 1320–1322, 1323F

kinesin 936, 939

myosin (MLC) 915–916, 922, 957,

958F, 997

light-driven cation channels 623

light-driven proton pumps 586–588, 602F,


light microscopy

asymmetric cell division 1002F

bright- and dark-field 533–534, 535F

confocal microscopes 540–542, 544F

continuing utility 529


microscopy 533–535, 560F,

1002F, 1202F

image deconvolution 540, 542

image enhancement 534–535

of living cells 533–534

of mitochondria 756, 802

multiphoton imaging 542

plant cell in telophase 1000F

resolution 530–532

sister chromatid separation 992F

specimen preparation 535–536

stains for 529, 535, 536F

superresolution techniques 549–554

three-dimensional imaging 540, 541F,

542, 550F, 553F

typical design 531F

see also fluorescence microscopy

light reactions 783–785, 787F, 793

light-sensitive phytochromes 883–885

lignin 1082–1083

Lin4 gene 1180–1181

Lin14 gene 1181F

Lincoln, Abraham 1066

LINEs (long interspersed nuclear

elements) 218F, 291

linkage and ligand binding 151

linkage tetrasaccharides 1059

linker DNA in nucleosomes 187–188

linker histones (histone H1) 192–193,


linker proteins

in cartilage 1061F

cytoskeleton 948–949, 959

lipid anchors 577–578, 593

see also GPI-anchors

lipid bilayers 99, 566–576

assembly in the ER 689–691

association of membrane proteins

with 576–577

asymmetry 573–574, 590, 681, 690

composition and its effects 571T

deformation by membrane-bending

proteins 573–574

domains 572–573

electrochemical gradients 612

flip-flops between monolayers


as fluids/solvents 569–573, 588

fusion 708F

lateral diffusion in 570, 588, 589F

membrane transport proteins in 597

osmium tetroxide binding 555

overview 99, 566–576

as self-sealing 568, 569F

small molecule diffusion across 598

spontaneous assembly 566

spontaneous formation 9, 568–569

synthetic 569–571, 597–598

lipid droplets 573

lipid kinases 574

lipid rafts/raft domains 572, 573F, 575,

590, 689, 749–750

caveolae from 731, 750


as amphiphilic 566

density in cell membranes 566

dolichol as 684

fatty acids and 98

lipoprotein production in smooth ER 670

liposomes 569–570, 572F, 585

lissencephaly 939

Listeria (L. monocytogenes) 423F,

914–915, 953, 1281, 1284, 1287,


listeriolysin O 1284

lithotrophic organisms 11, 12F, 13, 14F


carcinogen activation by 1128

conversion to nerve cells 396, 397F

glucocorticoid response 372

hepatocyte renewal 1226–1227

hepatocytes and I-cell disease


membrane enclosed organelles 643T,


peroxisomes 667F

protein abundances in brain and 372F

size regulation 1022

urea cycle 760

vasopressin-induced Ca 2+ oscillations


liver cancer and hepatitis viruses 1132

liverworts 806F

living cells

bilayer formation and 569

light microscopy of 533–534,

538–539, 541F, 542–546

monitoring ion concentrations


lncRNAs see long noncoding RNAs

local mediators, cell signaling 815


auxin transporters 883

protein machines 164

loci, defined 486

logic functions

AND logic 521–522, 523F

AND NOT logic 521–522

logic operations see switches

long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs)

conserved sequences producing 225

function 305T, 435–436

in imprinting 409

Xist as 411

loop structures

chromatin 207–208, 211–212

DNA looping 383–384, 385F, 386, 391

ion channels 618

see also feedback loops

loss-of-function mutations

defined 487

disease predisposition and 494

following gene duplication 228–229

Lin14 gene 1181F

tumor suppressor genes and 1104

as typically recessive 489

Ubx genes 1162F

loss of heterozygosity 281

Lou Gehrig’s disease 947

low complexity domains 132–133

low-light photography 534

lox sites 496–497

LPSs (lipopolysaccharides) 1267, 1269

LRP (LDL-receptor-related protein)


Page numbers with an F refer to a figure; page numbers with a T refer to a table.

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