Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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researching mind control in detail on both sides of the Atlantic and

elsewhere. I met a large number of mind-control survivors and

many had been held captive in body and mind by MKUltra. MK

stands for mind-control, but employs the German spelling in

deference to the Nazis spirited out of Germany at the end of World

War Two by Operation Paperclip in which the US authorities, with

help from the Vatican, transported Nazi mind-controllers and

engineers to America to continue their work. Many of them were

behind the creation of NASA and they included Nazi scientist and

SS officer Wernher von Braun who swapped designing V-2 rockets to

bombard London with designing the Saturn V rockets that powered

the NASA moon programme’s Apollo cra . I think I may have

mentioned that the Cult has no borders. Among Paperclip escapees

was Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death in the Nazi concentration

camps where he conducted mind and genetic experiments on

children o en using twins to provide a control twin to measure the

impact of his ‘work’ on the other. If you want to observe the Cult

mentality in all its extremes of evil then look into the life of Mengele.

I have met many people who suffered mercilessly under Mengele in

the United States where he operated under the name Dr Greene and

became a stalwart of MKUltra programming and torture. Among his

locations was the underground facility in the Mojave Desert in

California called the China Lake Naval Weapons Station which is

almost entirely below the surface. My books The Biggest Secret,

Children of the Matrix and The Perception Deception have the detailed

background to MKUltra.

The best-known MKUltra survivor is American Cathy O’Brien. I

first met her and her late partner Mark Phillips at a conference in

Colorado in 1996. Mark helped her escape and deprogram from

decades of captivity in an offshoot of MKUltra known as Project

Monarch in which ‘sex slaves’ were provided for the rich and

famous including Father George Bush, Dick Cheney and the

Clintons. Read Cathy and Mark’s book Trance-Formation of America

and if you are new to this you will be shocked to the core. I read it in

1996 shortly before, with the usual synchronicity of my life, I found

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