Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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those of a neuronal growth cone. The column of stalk cells behind it, meanwhile,

becomes hollowed out to form a lumen.

The endothelial tip cells that pioneer the growth of normal capillaries not only

look like neuronal growth cones, but also respond similarly to signals in the environment.

In fact, many of the same guidance molecules are involved, including

the netrins, slits, and ephrins mentioned in our account of neural development

in the previous chapter. The corresponding receptors are expressed in the tip cells

and guide the vascular sprouts along specific pathways in the embryo, often in

parallel with nerves. Perhaps the most important of the guidance molecules for

endothelial cells, however, is one that is chiefly dedicated to the control of vascular

development: vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF.

Tissues Requiring a Blood Supply Release VEGF

Almost every cell, in almost every tissue of a vertebrate, is located within

50–100 μm of a blood capillary. What mechanism ensures that the system of blood

vessels branches into every nook and cranny? How is it adjusted so perfectly to

the local needs of the tissues, not only during normal development but also in

pathological circumstances? Wounding, for example, induces a burst of capillary

growth in the neighborhood of the damage, to satisfy the high metabolic

requirements of the repair process (Figure 22–25). Local irritants and infections

also cause a proliferation of new capillaries, most of which regress and disappear

when the inflammation subsides. Less benignly, a small sample of tumor tissue

implanted in the cornea, which normally lacks blood vessels, causes blood vessels

to grow quickly toward the implant from the vascular margin of the cornea; the

growth rate of the tumor increases abruptly as soon as the vessels reach it.

In all these cases, the invading endothelial cells respond to signals produced

by the tissue that they invade. The signals are complex, but a key part is played

by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The regulation of blood vessel

growth to match the needs of the tissue depends on the control of VEGF production,

through changes in the stability of its mRNA and in its rate of transcription.

The latter control is relatively well understood. A shortage of oxygen, in practically

any type of cell, causes an increase in the intracellular level of a transcription factor

called hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α). HIF1α stimulates transcription

of Vegf (and of other genes whose products are needed when oxygen is in short

supply). The VEGF protein is secreted, diffuses through the tissue, and acts on

nearby endothelial cells, stimulating them to proliferate, to produce proteases

to help them digest their way through the basal lamina of the parent capillary or

venule, and to form sprouts. The tip cells of the sprouts detect the VEGF gradient

and move toward its source. As the new vessels form, bringing blood to the tissue,

the oxygen concentration rises. The HIF1α activity then declines, VEGF production

is shut off, and angiogenesis comes to a halt (Figure 22–26).


60 hours after wounding

100 µm 100 µm

Figure 22–25 New capillary formation in

response to wounding. Scanning electron

micrographs of casts of the system of

blood vessels surrounding the margin of

the cornea show the reaction to wounding.

The casts are made by injecting a resin

into the vessels and letting the resin set;

this reveals the shape of the lumen, as

opposed to the shape of the cells. Sixty

hours after wounding, many new capillaries

have begun to sprout toward the site of

injury, which is just above the top of the

picture. Their oriented outgrowth reflects

a chemotactic response of the endothelial

cells to an angiogenic factor released at the

wound. (Courtesy of Peter C. Burger.)

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