Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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432 Chapter 7: Control of Gene Expression

We have seen that although miRNAs and siRNAs are generated in slightly different

ways, they rely on the same proteins and seek out their targets in a fundamentally

similar manner. Because siRNAs are found in widespread species, they

are believed to be the most ancient form of RNA interference, with miRNAs being

a later refinement. These siRNA-mediated defense mechanisms are crucial for

plants, worms, and insects. In mammals, a protein-based system (described in

Chapter 24) has largely taken over the task of fighting off viruses.

RNA Interference Can Direct Heterochromatin Formation

The siRNA interference pathway just described does not necessarily stop with

the destruction of target RNA molecules. In some cases, the RNA interference

machinery can also selectively shut off synthesis of the target RNAs. For this to

occur, the short siRNAs produced by the Dicer protein are assembled with a group

of proteins (including Argonaute) to form the RITS (RNA-induced transcriptional

silencing) complex. Using single-stranded siRNA as a guide sequence, this complex

binds complementary RNA transcripts as they emerge from a transcribing

RNA polymerase II (Figure 7–77). Positioned on the genome in this way, the RITS

complex attracts proteins that covalently modify nearby histones and eventually

direct the formation of heterochromatin to prevent further transcription initiation.

In some cases, an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and a Dicer enzyme are

also recruited by the RITS complex to continually generate additional siRNAs in

situ. This positive feedback loop ensures continued repression of the target gene

even after the initiating siRNA molecules have disappeared.

RNAi-directed heterochromatin formation is an important cell defense mechanism

that limits the spread of transposable elements in genomes by maintaining

their DNA sequences in a transcriptionally silent form. However, this same

mechanism is also used in some normal processes in the cell. For example, in

many organisms, the RNA interference machinery maintains the heterochromatin

formed around centromeres. Centromeric DNA sequences are transcribed

in both directions, producing complementary RNA transcripts that can basepair

to form double-stranded RNA. This double-stranded RNA triggers the RNA

double-stranded RNA

Argonaute and

other RISC proteins


Argonaute and

other RITS proteins




THOSE SHOWN IN Figure 7–76

RNA polymerase




Figure 7–77 RNA interference directed

by siRNAs. In many organisms, doublestranded

RNA can trigger both the

destruction of complementary mRNAs

(left) and transcriptional silencing (right).

The change in chromatin structure

induced by the bound RITS (RNAinduced

transcriptional silencing) complex

resembles that in Figure 7–45.

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