Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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possession) can be anything from extreme psychopathy to

unquestioning obedience. Wetiko’s worst nightmare is for human

consciousness to expand beyond the simulation. Everything is

focussed on stopping that happening through control of

information, thus perception, thus frequency. The ‘education

system’, media, science, medicine, academia, are all geared to

maintaining humanity in five-sense servitude as is the constant

stimulation of low-vibrational mental and emotional states (see

‘Covid’). Wetiko seeks to dominate those subconscious spaces

between five-sense perception and expanded consciousness where

the computer meets the operator. From these subconscious hiding

places Wetiko speaks to us to trigger urges and desires that we take

to be our own and manipulate us into anything from low-vibrational

to psychopathic states. Remember how Islam describes the Jinn as

invisible tricksters that ‘whisper’ and confuse. Wetiko is the origin of

the ‘trickster god’ theme that you find in cultures all over the world.

Jinn, like the Archons, are Wetiko which is terrified of humans

awakening and reconnecting with our true self for then its energy

source has gone. With that the feedback loop breaks between Wetiko

and human perception that provides the energetic momentum on

which its very existence depends as a force of evil. Humans are both

its target and its source of survival, but only if we are operating in

low-vibrational states of fear, hate, depression and the background

anxiety that most people suffer. We are Wetiko’s target because we

are its key to survival. It needs us, not the other way round. Paul

Levy writes:

A vampire has no intrinsic, independent, substantial existence in its own right; it only exists in

relation to us. The pathogenic, vampiric mind-parasite called wetiko is nothing in itself – not

being able to exist from its own side – yet it has a ‘virtual reality’ such that it can potentially

destroy our species …

…The fact that a vampire is not reflected by a mirror can also mean that what we need to see

is that there’s nothing, no-thing to see, other than ourselves. The fact that wetiko is the

expression of something inside of us means that the cure for wetiko is with us as well. The

critical issue is finding this cure within us and then putting it into effect.

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