Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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The pyramid structure through which the ‘Covid’ hoax has been

manifested is very simple and has to be to work. As few people as

possible have to be involved with full knowledge of what they are

doing – and why – or the real story would get out. At the top of the

pyramid are the inner core of the Cult which controls Bill Gates who,

in turn, controls the World Health Organization through his pivotal

funding and his puppet Director-General mouthpiece, Tedros.

Before he was appointed Tedros was chair of the Gates-founded

Global Fund to ‘fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria’, a

board member of the Gates-funded ‘vaccine alliance’ GAVI, and on

the board of another Gates-funded organisation. Gates owns him

and picked him for a specific reason – Tedros is a crook and worse.

‘Dr’ Tedros (he’s not a medical doctor, the first WHO chief not to be)

was a member of the tyrannical Marxist government of Ethiopia for

decades with all its human rights abuses. He has faced allegations of

corruption and misappropriation of funds and was exposed three

times for covering up cholera epidemics while Ethiopia’s health

minister. Tedros appointed the mass-murdering genocidal

Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe as a WHO goodwill ambassador

for public health which, as with Tedros, is like appointing a

psychopath to run a peace and love campaign. The move was so

ridiculous that he had to drop Mugabe in the face of widespread

condemnation. American economist David Steinman, a Nobel peace

prize nominee, lodged a complaint with the International Criminal

Court in The Hague over alleged genocide by Tedros when he was

Ethiopia’s foreign minister. Steinman says Tedros was a ‘crucial

decision maker’ who directed the actions of Ethiopia’s security forces

from 2013 to 2015 and one of three officials in charge when those

security services embarked on the ‘killing’ and ‘torturing’ of

Ethiopians. You can see where Tedros is coming from and it’s

sobering to think that he has been the vehicle for Gates and the Cult

to direct the global response to ‘Covid’. Think about that. A

psychopathic Cult dictates to psychopath Gates who dictates to

psychopath Tedros who dictates how countries of the world must

respond to a ‘Covid virus’ never scientifically shown to exist. At the

same time psychopathic Cult-owned Silicon Valley information

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