Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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officer’ for US Special Forces. Richard Torres-Estrada arrived with

the publication of a ‘D&I Strategic Plan which will guide the

enterprise-wide effort to institutionalize and sustain D&I’. If you

think a Special Forces ‘Strategic Plan’ should have something to do

with defending America you haven’t been paying a ention.

Defending Woke is now the military’s new role. Torres-Estrada has

posted images comparing Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler and we

can expect no bias from him as a representative of the supposedly

non-political Pentagon. Cable news host Tucker Carlson said: ‘The

Pentagon is now the Yale faculty lounge but with cruise missiles.’

Meanwhile Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, a board member of

weapons-maker Raytheon with stock and compensation interests in

October, 2020, worth $1.4 million, said he was purging the military

of the ‘enemy within’ – anyone who isn’t Woke and supports Donald

Trump. Austin refers to his targets as ‘racist extremists’ while in true

Woke fashion being himself a racist extremist. Pentagon documents

pledge to ‘eradicate, eliminate and conquer all forms of racism,

sexism and homophobia’. The definitions of these are decided by

‘diversity and inclusion commi ees’ peopled by those who see

racism, sexism and homophobia in every situation and opinion.

Woke (the Cult) is dismantling the US military and purging

testosterone as China expands its military and gives its troops

‘masculinity training’. How do we think that is going to end when

this is all Cult coordinated? The US military, like the British military,

is controlled by Woke and spineless top brass who just go along with

it out of personal career interests.

‘Woke’ means fast asleep

Mind control and perception manipulation techniques used on

individuals to create group-think have been unleashed on the global

population in general. As a result many have no capacity to see the

obvious fascist agenda being installed all around them or what

‘Covid’ is really all about. Their brains are firewalled like a computer

system not to process certain concepts, thoughts and realisations that

are bad for the Cult. The young are most targeted as the adults they

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