Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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systems are connected to Gates and the World Economic Forum. A

‘study’ in early 2021 claimed that carbon dioxide emissions must fall

by the equivalent of a global lockdown roughly every two years for

the next decade to save the planet. The ‘study’ appeared in the same

period that the Schwab mob claimed in a video that lockdowns

destroying the lives of billions are good because they make the earth

‘quieter’ with less ‘ambient noise’. They took down the video amid a

public backlash for such arrogant, empathy-deleted stupidity You

see, however, where they are going with this. Corinne Le Quéré, a

professor at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research,

University of East Anglia, was lead author of the climate lockdown

study, and she writes for … the World Economic Forum. Gates calls

in ‘his’ book for changing ‘every aspect of the economy’ (long-time

Cult agenda) and for humans to eat synthetic ‘meat’ (predicted in

my books) while cows and other farm animals are eliminated.

Australian TV host and commentator Alan Jones described what

carbon emission targets would mean for farm animals in Australia

alone if emissions were reduced as demanded by 35 percent by 2030

and zero by 2050:

Well, let’s take agriculture, the total emissions from agriculture are about 75 million tonnes of

carbon dioxide, equivalent. Now reduce that by 35 percent and you have to come down to

50 million tonnes, I’ve done the maths. So if you take for example 1.5 million cows, you’re

going to have to reduce the herd by 525,000 [by] 2030, nine years, that’s 58,000 cows a year.

The beef herd’s 30 million, reduce that by 35 percent, that’s 10.5 million, which means 1.2

million cattle have to go every year between now and 2030. This is insanity!

There are 75 million sheep. Reduce that by 35 percent, that’s 26 million sheep, that’s almost 3

million a year. So under the Paris Agreement over 30 million beasts. dairy cows, cattle, pigs

and sheep would go. More than 8,000 every minute of every hour for the next decade, do

these people know what they’re talking about?

Clearly they don’t at the level of campaigners, politicians and

administrators. The Cult does know; that’s the outcome it wants. We

are faced with not just a war on humanity. Animals and the natural

world are being targeted and I have been saying since the ‘Covid’

hoax began that the plan eventually was to claim that the ‘deadly

virus’ is able to jump from animals, including farm animals and

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