Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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The activation of PRRs results in the production of a large variety of extracellular

signal molecules that mediate the inflammatory response at the site of an

infection. These include both lipid signal molecules, such as prostaglandins, and

protein (or peptide) signal molecules called cytokines. Some of the most important

pro-inflammatory cytokines are tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), interferon‐γ

(IFNγ), a variety of chemokines (which recruit leukocytes), and various interleukins

(ILs) that we discuss later, including IL1, IL6, IL12, and IL17. In addition, a

secreted PRR (mannose-binding lectin) activates the complement system when

the PRR binds to a pathogen; fragments of complement proteins released during

complement activation stimulate an inflammatory response (discussed shortly;

see Figure 24–7).

When activated by PAMPs, most cell-surface and intracellular PRRs stimulate

the production of multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines by activating intracellular

signaling pathways that switch on transcription regulators, including NFκB,

to induce the transcription of the relevant cytokine genes (see Figure 15–62).

Some PRRs, however, can also stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokine production

by a different mechanism: when activated, several cytoplasmic NLRs assemble

with adaptor proteins and specific protease precursors of the caspase family (discussed

in Chapter 18) to form inflammasomes, in which pro-inflammatory cytokines

such as IL1 are cleaved from their inactive precursor proteins by activated

caspases. These cytokines are then released from the cell by a poorly understood,

unconventional secretion pathway. Inflammasomes closely resemble apoptosomes

in their assembly and structure, but, in apoptosomes, procaspases are

activated to initiate a proteolytic caspase cascade that leads to apoptosis (see Figure


NLR-dependent inflammasome assembly can also be triggered in the absence

of infection if cells are damaged or stressed. Such cells produce “danger signals,”

such as altered or misplaced self molecules, which can activate the relevant NLRs:

the arthritis caused by uric acid crystals formed in the joints of individuals with

gout, who have abnormally high uric acid levels in their blood, is a painful example.






Phagocytic Cells Seek, Engulf, and Destroy Pathogens

In all animals, the recognition of a microbial invader is usually quickly followed by

its engulfment by a phagocytic cell. Macrophages are long-lived phagocytes that

reside in most vertebrate tissues; they are among the first cells to encounter invading

microbes, whose PAMPs activate the macrophages to secrete pro-inflammatory

signal molecules. Neutrophils are short-lived phagocytes that are abundant

in blood but are not present in healthy tissues; they are rapidly recruited to sites of

infection by various attractive molecules, including formylmethionine-containing

peptides (which are released by microbes but are not made by mammalian

cells), chemokines secreted by activated macrophages, and peptide fragments

produced from cleaved, activated complement proteins. The recruited neutrophils

contribute their own pro-inflammatory cytokines.

In addition to their PRRs, macrophages and neutrophils display a variety of

cell-surface receptors that recognize fragments of complement proteins or antibodies

bound to the surface of a pathogen. The binding of such a pathogen to these

receptors leads to its phagocytosis (Figure 24–5) and an attack on the ingested

pathogen once inside a phagolysosome. The phagocytes possess an impressive

armory of weapons to kill the invader, including enzymes such as lysozyme

and acid hydrolases that can degrade the pathogen’s cell wall. The cells assemble

NADPH oxidase complexes on the phagolysosomal membrane, where the

complexes catalyze the production of highly toxic oxygen-derived compounds,

including superoxide (O – 2 ), hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals. A transient

increase in oxygen consumption by the phagocytic cells, called the respiratory

burst, accompanies the production of these toxic compounds. Whereas macrophages

generally survive this killing frenzy and live to kill again, neutrophils do

not. Dead and dying neutrophils are a major component of the pus that forms

in acute bacterially infected wounds; their half-life in the human bloodstream is

only a few hours.






1 µm

Figure 24–5 Antibody-activated

phagocytosis. Electron micrograph of

a neutrophil phagocytosing an antibodycoated

bacterium, which is in the process

of dividing. The process in which antibody

(or complement) coating of a pathogen

increases the efficiency with which the

pathogen is phagocytosed is called

opsonization. (Courtesy of Dorothy F.

Bainton, MBoC6 from R.C. m25.24b/24.06

Williams, Jr. and

H.H. Fudenberg, Phagocytic Mechanisms

in Health and Disease. New York:

Intercontinental Medical Book

Corporation, 1971.)

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