Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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612 Chapter 11: Membrane Transport of Small Molecules and the Electrical Properties of Membranes

they can pass up to 100 million ions through one open channel each second—a

rate 10 5 times greater than the fastest rate of transport mediated by any known

transporter. As discussed earlier, however, channels cannot be coupled to an

energy source to perform active transport, so the transport they mediate is always

passive (downhill). Thus, the function of ion channels is to allow specific inorganic

ions—primarily Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , or Cl – —to diffuse rapidly down their electrochemical

gradients across the lipid bilayer. In this section, we will see that the ability

to control ion fluxes through these channels is essential for many cell functions.

Nerve cells (neurons), in particular, have made a specialty of using ion channels,

and we will consider how they use many different ion channels to receive, conduct,

and transmit signals. Before we discuss ion channels, however, we briefly

consider the aquaporin water channels that we mentioned earlier.

Aquaporins Are Permeable to Water But Impermeable to Ions

Because cells are mostly water (typically ~70% by weight), water movement across

cell membranes is fundamentally important for life. Cells also contain a high concentration

of solutes, including numerous negatively charged organic molecules

that are confined inside the cell (the so-called fixed anions) and their accompanying

cations that are required for charge balance. This creates an osmotic gradient,

which mostly is balanced by an opposite osmotic gradient due to a high

concentration of inorganic ions—chiefly Na + and Cl – —in the extracellular fluid.

The small remaining osmotic force tends to “pull” water into the cell, causing it to

swell until the forces are balanced. Because all biological membranes are moderately

permeable to water (see Figure 11–2), cell volume equilibrates in minutes or

less in response to an osmotic gradient. For most animal cells, however, osmosis

has only a minor role in regulating cell volume. This is because most of the cytoplasm

is in a gel-like state and resists large changes in its volume in response to

changes in osmolarity.

In addition to the direct diffusion of water across the lipid bilayer, some prokaryotic

and eukaryotic cells have water channels, or aquaporins, embedded in

their plasma membrane to allow water to move more rapidly. Aquaporins are particularly

abundant in animal cells that must transport water at high rates, such as

the epithelial cells of the kidney or exocrine cells that must transport or secrete

large volumes of fluids, respectively (Figure 11–19).

Aquaporins must solve a problem that is opposite to that facing ion channels.

To avoid disrupting ion gradients across membranes, they have to allow the rapid

passage of water molecules while completely blocking the passage of ions. The

three-dimensional structure of an aquaporin reveals how it achieves this remarkable

selectivity. The channels have a narrow pore that allows water molecules to

traverse the membrane in single file, following the path of carbonyl oxygens that

line one side of the pore (Figure 11–20A and B). Hydrophobic amino acids line

the other side of the pore. The pore is too narrow for any hydrated ion to enter, and

the energy cost of dehydrating an ion would be enormous because the hydrophobic

wall of the pore cannot interact with a dehydrated ion to compensate for the

loss of water. This design readily explains why the aquaporins cannot conduct K + ,




ion pumps

and channels


apical membrane

basolateral membrane


Figure 11–19 The role of aquaporins in

fluid secretion. Cells lining the ducts of

exocrine glands (as found, for example, in

the pancreas and liver, and in mammary,

sweat, and salivary glands) secrete large

volumes of body fluids. These cells are

organized into epithelial sheets in which

their apical plasma membrane faces the

lumen of the duct. Ion pumps and channels

situated in the basolateral and apical

plasma membrane move ions (mostly

Na + and Cl – ) into the ductal lumen,

creating an osmotic gradient between the

surrounding tissue and the duct. Water

molecules rapidly follow the osmotic

gradient through aquaporins that are

present in high concentrations in both the

apical and basolateral membranes.

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