Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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looking woman with no broadcasting experience and li le hands-on

work in journalism, has somehow secured a position on the ‘Content

Board’ of UK government broadcast censor Ofcom. An executive of

an organisation seeking to discredit dissidents of the official

narratives is making decisions for the government broadcast

‘regulator’ about content?? Another appalling ‘fact-checker’ is Full

Fact funded by George Soros and global censors Google and


It’s amazing how many activists in the ‘fact-checking’, ‘anti-hate’,

arena turn up in government-related positions – people like UK

Labour Party activist Imran Ahmed who heads the Center for

Countering Digital Hate founded by people like Morgan

McSweeney, now chief of staff to the Labour Party’s hapless and

useless ‘leader’ Keir Starmer. Digital Hate – which is what it really is

– uses the American spelling of Center to betray its connection to a

transatlantic network of similar organisations which in 2020

shapeshi ed from a acking people for ‘hate’ to a acking them for

questioning the ‘Covid’ hoax and the dangers of the ‘Covid vaccine’.

It’s just a coincidence, you understand. This is one of Imran Ahmed’s

hysterical statements: ‘I would go beyond calling anti-vaxxers

conspiracy theorists to say they are an extremist group that pose a

national security risk.’ No one could ever accuse this prat of

understatement and he’s including in that those parents who are

now against vaccines a er their children were damaged for life or

killed by them. He’s such a nice man. Ahmed does the rounds of the

Woke media ge ing so -ball questions from spineless ‘journalists’

who never ask what right he has to campaign to destroy the freedom

of speech of others while he demands it for himself. There also

seems to be an overrepresentation in Ofcom of people connected to

the narrative-worshipping BBC. This incredible global network of

narrative-support was super-vital when the ‘Covid’ hoax was played

in the light of the mega-whopper lies that have to be defended from

the spotlight cast by the most basic intelligence.

Setting the scene

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