Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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942 Chapter 16: The Cytoskeleton


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Molecules of axonemal dynein form bridges between the neighboring doublet

microtubules around the circumference of the axoneme (Figure 16–64). When

the motor domain of this dynein is activated, the dynein molecules attached to

one microtubule doublet (see Figure 16–59) attempt to walk along the adjacent

microtubule doublet, tending to force the adjacent doublets to slide relative to

one another, much as actin thin filaments slide during muscle contraction. However,

the presence of other links between the microtubule doublets prevents this

sliding, and the dynein force is instead converted into a bending motion (Figure


In humans, hereditary defects in axonemal MBoC6 dynein m16.82/16.66 cause a condition called

primary ciliary dyskinesia or Kartagener’s syndrome. This syndrome is characterized

by inversion of the normal asymmetry of internal organs (sinus inversus) due

to disruption of fluid flow in the developing embryo, male sterility due to immotile

sperm, and a high susceptibility to lung infections due to paralyzed cilia being

unable to clear the respiratory tract of debris and bacteria.

Bacteria also swim using cell-surface structures called flagella, but these do

not contain microtubules or dynein and do not wave or beat. Instead, bacterial

flagella are long, rigid helical filaments, made up of repeating subunits of the protein

flagellin. The flagella rotate like propellers, driven by a special rotary motor

embedded in the bacterial cell wall. The use of the same name to denote these two

very different types of swimming apparatus is an unfortunate historical accident.

Primary Cilia Perform Important Signaling Functions in Animal Cells

Many cells possess a shorter, nonmotile counterpart of cilia and flagella called

the primary cilium. Primary cilia can be viewed as specialized cellular compartments

or organelles that perform a wide range of cellular functions, but share

Figure 16–64 Ciliary dynein. Ciliary

(axonemal) dynein is a large protein

assembly (nearly 2 million daltons)

composed of 9–12 polypeptide chains, the

largest of which is the heavy chain of more

than 500,000 daltons. (A) The heavy chains

form the major portion of the globular

head and stem domains, and many of the

smaller chains are clustered around the

base of the stem. There are two heads

in the outer dynein in metazoans (shown

here), but three heads in protozoa, each

formed from their own heavy chain. The

tail of the molecule binds tightly to an

A microtubule, while the large globular

heads have an ATP-dependent binding

site for a B microtubule (see Figure 16–63).

When the heads hydrolyze their bound ATP,

they move toward the minus end of the

B microtubule, thereby producing a sliding

force between the adjacent microtubule

doublets in a cilium or flagellum (see

Figure 16–59). (B) Freeze-etch electron

micrograph of a cilium showing the dynein

arms projecting at regular intervals from

the doublet microtubules. (B, courtesy of

John Heuser.)


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Figure 16–65 The bending of an

axoneme. (A) When axonemes are

exposed to the proteolytic enzyme trypsin,

the linkages holding neighboring doublet

microtubules together are broken. In this

case, the addition of ATP allows the motor

action of the dynein heads to slide one

pair of doublet microtubules against the

other pair. (B) In an intact axoneme (such

as in a sperm), flexible protein links prevent

the sliding of the doublet. The motor

action therefore causes a bending motion,

creating waves or beating motions.

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