Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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airport. They are jailed in internment hotels o en without food or

water for long periods and with many doors failing to lock there

have been sexual assaults. The interned are being charged

sometimes $2,000 for the privilege of being abused in this way.

Trudeau is fully on board with the Cult and says the ‘Covid

pandemic’ has provided an opportunity for a global ‘reset’ to

permanently change Western civilisation. His number two, Deputy

Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, is a trustee of the World Economic

Forum and a Rhodes Scholar. The Trudeau family have long been

servants of the Cult. See The Biggest Secret and Cathy O’Brien’s book

Trance-Formation of America for the horrific background to Trudeau’s

father Pierre Trudeau another Canadian prime minister. Hide your

fascism behind the façade of a heart-on-the-sleeve liberal. It’s a wellhoned

Cult technique.

What can the ‘vaccine’ really do?

We have a ‘virus’ never shown to exist and ‘variants’ of the ‘virus’

that have also never been shown to exist except, like the ‘original’, as

computer-generated fictions. Even if you believe there’s a ‘virus’ the

‘case’ to ‘death’ rate is in the region of 0.23 to 0.15 percent and those

‘deaths’ are concentrated among the very old around the same

average age that people die anyway. In response to this lack of threat

(in truth none) psychopaths and idiots, knowingly and unknowingly

answering to Gates and the Cult, are seeking to ‘vaccinate’ every

man, woman and child on Planet Earth. Clearly the ‘vaccine’ is not

about ‘Covid’ – none of this ever has been. So what is it all about

really? Why the desperation to infuse genetically-manipulating

synthetic material into everyone through mRNA fraudulent

‘vaccines’ with the intent of doing this over and over with the

excuses of ‘variants’ and other ‘virus’ inventions? Dr Sherri

Tenpenny, an osteopathic medical doctor in the United States, has

made herself an expert on vaccines and their effects as a vehement

campaigner against their use. Tenpenny was board certified in

emergency medicine, the director of a level two trauma centre for 12

years, and moved to Cleveland in 1996 to start an integrative

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