Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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through the ‘Covid’ hoax and other means. As the web expands out

from the spider we meet the secret societies that many people will be

aware of – the Freemasons, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Opus

Dei, the inner sanctum of the Jesuit Order, and such like. Note how

many are connected to the Church of Rome and there is a reason for

that. The Roman Church was established as a revamp, a rebranding,

of the relocated ‘Church’ of Babylon and the Cult imposing global

tyranny today can be tracked back to Babylon and Sumer in what is

now Iraq.

Figure 1: The global web through which the few control the many. (Image Neil Hague.)

Inner levels of the web operate in the unseen away from the public

eye and then we have what I call the cusp organisations located at

the point where the hidden meets the seen. They include a series of

satellite organisations answering to a secret society founded in

London in the late 19th century called the Round Table and among

them are the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK, founded in

1920); Council on Foreign Relations (US, 1921); Bilderberg Group

(worldwide, 1954); Trilateral Commission (US/worldwide, 1972); and

the Club of Rome (worldwide, 1968) which was created to exploit

environmental concerns to justify the centralisation of global power

to ‘save the planet’. The Club of Rome instigated with others the

human-caused climate change hoax which has led to all the ‘green

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