Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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µ chain

µ chain


L chain

µ chain

L chain







δ chain


progenitor cell

pro-B cell

pre-B cell


naive B cell


naive B cell




leave the bone marrow, they start to produce IgD BCRs as well, with the same

antigen-binding site as the IgM BCRs. These cells are now called mature naïve B

cells, as they can now respond to their specific foreign antigen in peripheral lymphoid

organs (Figure 24–24). IgM is also the major class of antibody secreted into

the blood in the early stages of a primary antibody response on first exposure to

an antigen. In its secreted form, IgM is a wheel-like pentamer composed of five

four-chain units, giving it a total of 10 antigen-binding sites that allow it to bind

strongly to pathogens; in its antigen-bound form, IgM is highly efficient at activating

complement, which is important in early antibody responses to pathogens.

The major antibody class in the blood MBoC6 is IgG. m25.22/24.25 These antibodies are four-chain

monomers (see Figure 24–23), and they are produced in especially large quantities

during secondary antibody responses. The tail region of some subclasses

of IgG antibodies that are bound to antigen can activate complement and also

bind to specific receptors on macrophages and neutrophils. Largely by means of

such Fc receptors (so-named because antibody tails are called Fc regions), these

phagocytic cells bind, ingest, and destroy infecting microorganisms that have

become coated with the IgG antibodies produced in response to the infection;

the activated Fc receptors also signal the phagocyte to secrete pro-inflammatory

cytokines (Movie 24.4).

The tail region of IgE antibodies binds to another class of Fc receptors on the

surface of mast cells in tissues and of basophils in the blood. Because antigen-free

IgE antibodies bind with high affinity to such Fc receptors, the antibodies act as

antigen receptors on these cells. Antigen binding to the bound antibodies activates

the Fc receptors and stimulates the cells to secrete a variety of cytokines

and biologically active amines, especially histamine, which causes blood vessels

to dilate and become leaky; this helps leukocytes, antibodies, and complement

components to enter sites where mast cells have been activated. The release of

amines from mast cells and basophils is largely responsible for the symptoms

of such allergic reactions as hay fever, asthma, and hives. In addition, mast cells

secrete factors that attract and activate leukocytes called eosinophils, which also

have Fc receptors that bind IgE molecules and can kill extracellular parasitic

worms, especially if the worms are coated with IgE antibodies (see Figure 24–6).

IgA is the principal antibody class in secretions, including saliva, tears, milk,

and respiratory and intestinal secretions. Yet another class of Fc receptors, located

on the relevant epithelial cells, guides the secretion by binding antigen-free IgA

dimers and transporting them across the epithelium. The properties of the various

classes of antibodies in humans are summarized in Table 24–2.

All classes of Ig can be made in a membrane-bound form, as well as in a soluble,

secreted form. The two forms differ only in the C‐terminus of their heavy

chain. The heavy chains of membrane-bound Ig molecules (BCRs) have a transmembrane

hydrophobic C‐terminus, which anchors them in the lipid bilayer of

the B cell’s plasma membrane. The heavy chains of secreted antibody molecules,

by contrast, have instead a hydrophilic C‐terminus, which allows them to escape

from the cell. The switch in the character of the Ig molecules made occurs because

the activation of B cells by antigen and helper T cells induces a change in the way

in which the heavy-chain RNA transcripts are made and processed in the nucleus

(see Figure 7–59).

Figure 24–24 Stages of B cell

development. All of the stages shown

occur before the cells bind their specific

antigen. The first cells in the B cell lineage

that make Ig are called pro‐B cells; they

make μ heavy chains, which remain in the

endoplasmic reticulum until a special type

of light chain is made called a surrogate

light chain. The surrogate light chains

substitute for genuine light chains and

assemble with μ chains to form a receptor

molecule that inserts into the plasma

membrane. The cells are now called pre‐B

cells. Signaling from this pre‐B cell receptor

allows the cells to make bona fide light

chains, which combine with μ chains to

form four-chain IgM molecules that serve

as cell-surface BCRs on immature naïve

B cells. After these cells leave the bone

marrow, they start to express IgD BCRs as

well, which have the same antigen-binding

sites as the IgM BCRs; it is this mature

naïve B cell that reacts with its specific

foreign antigen in peripheral lymphoid


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