Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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‘behavioural scientists, health and social psychologists,

anthropologists and historians’ and advises the Whi y-Vallance-led

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) which in turn

advises the government on ‘the science’ (it doesn’t) and ‘Covid’

policy. When politicians say they are being guided by ‘the science’

this is the rabble in each country they are talking about and that

‘science’ is dominated by behaviour manipulators to enforce

government fascism through public compliance. The Behaviour

Insight Team is headed by psychologist David Solomon Halpern, a

visiting professor at King’s College London, and connects with a

national and global web of other civilian and military organisations

as the Cult moves towards its goal of fusing them into one fascistic

whole in every country through its ‘Fusion Doctrine’. The behaviour

manipulation network involves, but is not confined to, the Foreign

Office; National Security Council; government communications

headquarters (GCHQ); MI5; MI6; the Cabinet Office-based Media

Monitoring Unit; and the Rapid Response Unit which ‘monitors

digital trends to spot emerging issues; including misinformation and

disinformation; and identifies the best way to respond’.

There is also the 77th Brigade of the UK military which operates

like the notorious Israeli military’s Unit 8200 in manipulating

information and discussion on the Internet by posing as members of

the public to promote the narrative and discredit those who

challenge it. Here we have the military seeking to manipulate

domestic public opinion while the Nazis in government are fine with

that. Conservative Member of Parliament Tobias Ellwood, an

advocate of lockdown and control through ‘vaccine passports’, is a

Lieutenant Colonel reservist in the 77th Brigade which connects with

the military operation jHub, the ‘innovation centre’ for the Ministry

of Defence and Strategic Command. jHub has also been involved

with the civilian National Health Service (NHS) in ‘symptom

tracing’ the population. The NHS is a key part of this mind control

network and produced a document in December, 2020, explaining to

staff how to use psychological manipulation with different groups

and ages to get them to have the DNA-manipulating ‘Covid vaccine’

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