Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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The scale of madness, inhumanity and things to come was

highlighted when those not ‘vaccinated’ for ‘Covid’ were refused

evacuation from the Caribbean island of St Vincent during massive

volcanic eruptions. Cruise ships taking residents to the safety of

another island allowed only the ‘vaccinated’ to board and the rest

were le to their fate. Even in life and death situations like this we

see ‘Covid’ stripping people of their most basic human instincts and

the insanity is even more extreme when you think that fake

‘vaccine’-makers are not even claiming their body-manipulating

concoctions stop ‘infection’ and ‘transmission’ of a ‘virus’ that

doesn’t exist. St Vincent Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said: ‘The

chief medical officer will be identifying the persons already

vaccinated so that we can get them on the ship.’ Note again the

power of the chief medical officer who, like Whi y in the UK, will be

answering to the World Health Organization. This is the Cult

network structure that has overridden politicians who ‘follow the

science’ which means doing what WHO-controlled ‘medical officers’

and ‘science advisers’ tell them. Gonsalves even said that residents

who were ‘vaccinated’ a er the order so they could board the ships

would still be refused entry due to possible side effects such as

‘wooziness in the head’. The good news is that if they were woozy

enough in the head they could qualify to be prime minister of St


Microchipping freedom

The European judgement will be used at some point to justify moves

to enforce the ‘Covid’ DNA-manipulating procedure. Sandra Ro,

CEO of the Global Blockchain Business Council, told a World

Economic Forum event that she hoped ‘vaccine passports’ would

help to ‘drive forced consent and standardisation’ of global digital

identity schemes: ‘I’m hoping with the desire and global demand for

some sort of vaccine passport – so that people can get travelling and

working again – [it] will drive forced consent, standardisation, and

frankly, cooperation across the world.’ The lady is either not very

bright, or thoroughly mendacious, to use the term ‘forced consent’.

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