Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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protest in Bristol in which police cars were set on fire. Masks were

virtually absent in London and widespread in Bristol. Wetiko wants

lockdown on every level of society and infuses its aggression to

police it through its unknowing stooges. Lockdown protesters are

the ones with the smiling faces and the hugs, The two blatantly

obvious states of being – ge ing more obvious by the day – are the

result of Wokers and their like becoming ever more influenced by

the simulation Field of Wetiko and Pushbackers ever more

influenced by The Field of a far higher vibration beyond the

simulation. Wetiko can’t invade the heart which is where most

lockdown opponents are coming from. It’s the heart that allows them

to see through the lies to the truth in ways I will be highlighting.

Renegade Minds know that calmness is the place from which

wisdom comes. You won’t find wisdom in a hissing fit and wisdom

is what we need in abundance right now. Calmness is not weakness

– you don’t have to scream at the top of your voice to be strong.

Calmness is indeed a sign of strength. ‘No’ means I’m not doing it.

NOOOO!!! doesn’t mean you’re not doing it even more. Volume

does not advance ‘No – I’m not doing it’. You are just not doing it.

Wetiko possessed and influenced don’t know how to deal with that.

Wetiko wants a fight and we should not give it one. What it needs

more than anything is our cooperation and we should not give that

either. Mass rallies and marches are great in that they are a visual

representation of feeling, but if it ends there they are irrelevant. You

demand that Wetikos act differently? Well, they’re not going to are

they? They are Wetikos. We don’t need to waste our time demanding

that something doesn’t happen when that will make no difference.

We need to delete the means that allows it to happen. This, invariably,

is our cooperation. You can demand a child stop firing a peashooter

at the dog or you can refuse to buy the peashooter. If you provide

the means you are cooperating with the dog being smacked on the

nose with a pea. How can the authorities enforce mask-wearing if

millions in a country refuse? What if the 74 million Pushbackers that

voted for Trump in 2020 refused to wear masks, close their

businesses or stay in their homes. It would be unenforceable. The

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