Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Sabbatian-Frankists and most importantly the Rothschilds were

behind the creation of ‘Zionism’, a political movement that

demanded a Jewish homeland in Israel as promised by Sabbatai

Zevi. The very symbol of Israel comes from the German meaning of

the name Rothschild. Dynasty founder Mayer Amschel Rothschild

changed the family name from Bauer to Rothschild, or ‘Red-Shield’

in German, in deference to the six-pointed ‘Star of David’ hexagram

displayed on the family’s home in Frankfurt. The symbol later

appeared on the flag of Israel a er the Rothschilds were centrally

involved in its creation. Hexagrams are not a uniquely Jewish

symbol and are widely used in occult (‘hidden’) networks o en as a

symbol for Saturn (see my other books for why). Neither are

Zionism and Jewishness interchangeable. Zionism is a political

movement and philosophy and not a ‘race’ or a people. Many Jews

oppose Zionism and many non-Jews, including US President Joe

Biden, call themselves Zionists as does Israel-centric Donald Trump.

America’s support for the Israel government is pre y much a gimme

with ultra-Zionist billionaires and corporations providing fantastic

and dominant funding for both political parties. Former

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has told how she was

approached immediately she ran for office to ‘sign the pledge’ to

Israel and confirm that she would always vote in that country’s best

interests. All American politicians are approached in this way.

Anyone who refuses will get no support or funding from the

enormous and all-powerful Zionist lobby that includes organisations

like mega-lobby group AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs

Commi ee. Trump’s biggest funder was ultra-Zionist casino and

media billionaire Sheldon Adelson while major funders of the

Democratic Party include ultra-Zionist George Soros and ultra-

Zionist financial and media mogul, Haim Saban. Some may reel back

at the suggestion that Soros is an Israel-firster (Sabbatian-controlled

Israel-firster), but Renegade Minds watch the actions not the words

and everywhere Soros donates his billions the Sabbatian agenda

benefits. In the spirit of Sabbatian inversion Soros pledged $1 billion

for a new university network to promote ‘liberal values and tackle

intolerance’. He made the announcement during his annual speech

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