Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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‘vaccine’. Another seven ‘vaccinated’ people were apparently being

treated on the same ward for similar symptoms. The woman said he

had the ‘vaccine’ because they believed media claims that it was safe.

‘I didn’t think the government would give out a vaccine that does

this to somebody; I believed they would be bringing out a

vaccination that would be safe.’ What a tragic way to learn that

lesson. Another woman posted that her husband was transporting

stroke patients to hospital on almost every shi and when he asked

them if they had been ‘vaccinated’ for ‘Covid’ they all replied ‘yes’.

One had a ‘massive brain bleed’ the day a er his second dose. She

said her husband reported the ‘just been vaccinated’ information

every time to doctors in A and E only for them to ignore it, make no

notes and appear annoyed that it was even mentioned. This

particular report cannot be verified, but it expresses a common

theme that confirms the monumental underreporting of ‘vaccine’

consequences. Interestingly as the ‘vaccines’ and their brain blood

clot/stroke consequences began to emerge the UK National Health

Service began a publicity campaign telling the public what to do in

the event of a stroke. A Sco ish NHS staff nurse who quit in disgust

in March, 2021, said:

I have seen traumatic injuries from the vaccine, they’re not getting reported to the yellow card

[adverse reaction] scheme, they’re treating the symptoms, not asking why, why it’s happening.

It’s just treating the symptoms and when you speak about it you’re dismissed like you’re crazy,

I’m not crazy, I’m not crazy because every other colleague I’ve spoken to is terrified to speak

out, they’ve had enough.

Videos appeared on the Internet of people uncontrollably shaking

a er the ‘vaccine’ with no control over muscles, limbs and even their

face. A Sco ish mother broke out in a severe rash all over her body

almost immediately a er she was given the AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’.

The pictures were horrific. Leigh King, a 41-year-old hairdresser

from Lanarkshire said: ‘Never in my life was I prepared for what I

was about to experience … My skin was so sore and constantly hot

… I have never felt pain like this …’ But don’t you worry, the

‘vaccine’ is perfectly safe. Then there has been the effect on medical

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