Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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unstimulated cell









insulin-stimulated cell





Figure 13–59 Storage of plasma

membrane proteins in recycling

endosomes. Recycling endosomes can

serve as an intracellular storage site for

specialized plasma membrane proteins

that can be mobilized when needed. In

the example shown, insulin binding to the

insulin receptor triggers an intracellular

signaling pathway that causes the rapid

insertion of glucose transporters into the

plasma membrane of a fat or muscle cell,

greatly increasing its glucose intake.

intracellular pool of glucose

transporters in specialized

recycling endosomes

signal causes relocalization

of glucose receptors to

plasma membrane to boost

glucose uptake into the cell

Phagocytosis is important in most animals for purposes other than nutrition,

and it is carried out mainly by specialized cells—so-called professional phagocytes.

In mammals, two important classes of white blood cells that act as professional

phagocytes are macrophages and neutrophils (Movie 13.5). These cells develop

from hemopoietic stem cells (discussed MBoC6 m13.61/13.60 in Chapter 22), and they ingest invading

microorganisms to defend us against infection. Macrophages also have an

important role in scavenging senescent cells and cells that have died by apoptosis

(discussed in Chapter 18). In quantitative terms, the clearance of senescent and

dead cells is by far the most important: our macrophages, for example, phagocytose

more than 10 11 senescent red blood cells in each of us every day.

The diameter of a phagosome is determined by the size of its ingested particles,

and those particles can be almost as large as the phagocytic cell itself (Figure

13–60). Phagosomes fuse with lysosomes, and the ingested material is then

degraded. Indigestible substances remain in the lysosomes, forming residual bodies

that can be excreted from cells by exocytosis, as mentioned earlier. Some of the

internalized plasma membrane components never reach the lysosome, because

they are retrieved from the phagosome in transport vesicles and returned to the

plasma membrane.

Some pathogenic bacteria have evolved elaborate mechanisms to prevent

phagosome–lysosome fusion. The bacterium Legionella pneumophila, for example,

which causes Legionnaires’ disease (discussed in Chapter 23), injects into

its unfortunate host a Rab-modifying enzyme that causes certain Rab proteins

to misdirect membrane traffic, thereby preventing phagosome–lysosome fusion.

The bacterium, thus spared from lysosomal degradation, remains in the modified

phagosome, growing and dividing as an intracellular pathogen, protected from

the host’s adaptive immune system.

Phagocytosis is a cargo-triggered process. That is, it requires the activation of

cell-surface receptors that transmit signals to the cell interior. Thus, to be phagocytosed,

particles must first bind to the surface of the phagocyte (although not

all particles that bind are ingested). Phagocytes have a variety of cell surface

receptors that are functionally linked to the phagocytic machinery of the cell.

The best-characterized triggers of phagocytosis are antibodies, which protect us

by binding to the surface of infectious microorganisms (pathogens) and initiating

a series of events that culminate in the invader being phagocytosed. When

antibodies initially attack a pathogen, they coat it with antibody molecules that

bind to Fc receptors on the surface of macrophages and neutrophils, activating

the receptors to induce the phagocytic cell to extend pseudopods, which engulf

the particle and fuse at their tips to form a phagosome (Figure 13–61A). Localized

actin polymerization, initiated by Rho family GTPases and their activating Rho-

GEFs (discussed in Chapters 15 and 16), shapes the pseudopods. The activated

Rho GTPases switch on the kinase activity of local PI kinases to produce PI(4,5)P 2

in the membrane (see Figure 13–11), which stimulates actin polymerization. To

seal off the phagosome and complete the engulfment, actin is depolymerized by a

PI 3-kinase that converts the PI(4,5)P 2 to PI(3,4,5)P 3 , which is required for closure

5 µm

Figure 13–60 Phagocytosis by a

macrophage. A scanning electron

micrograph of a mouse macrophage

phagocytosing two chemically altered red

blood MBoC6 cells. The m13.46/13.61

red arrows point to edges

of thin processes (pseudopods) of the

macrophage that are extending as collars

to engulf the red cells. (Courtesy of Jean

Paul Revel.)

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