Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1208 Chapter 21: Development of Multicellular Organisms


wild-type neuron



wild-type neuron







single DSCAM1


Figure 21–80 DSCAM mediates selfavoidance

of dendrites. (A) Sensory

neurons in the Drosophila peripheral

nervous system extend dendrites along

the larval body wall. The image shows the

dendrites of a regular array of photosensing

neurons (red), which allow the larva

to detect and avoid harmful light. The

posterior epidermal cells of each segment

are labeled in blue. There are many

neurons, and those shown here spread

out their dendrites into overlapping fields.

(B) Mutations at the Dscam locus upset

the way the various dendrites interact,

changing the rules of self-avoidance and

the distribution of innervation. (A, courtesy

of Chun Han; B, after D. Hattori et al.,

Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 24:597–620,

2008. With permission from Annual


red dendrites repel each

other and blue dendrites

repel each other; but

blue and red do not

repel each other


red dendrites repel

each other; but orange

dendrites repel neither

themselves nor red


green dendrites repel

each other

Target Tissues Release Neurotrophic Factors That Control Nerve

Cell Growth and Survival

Eventually, axonal growth cones MBoC6 reach n22.238/22.81

the target region where they must halt and

make synapses. These synapses, as a rule, are destined to transmit neural signals

in one direction, from axon to target cell. The development of synapses, however,

depends on signaling in both directions: signals from the target tissue not only

help control which growth cones synapse where (as we discuss shortly), but can

also regulate how many of the innervating neurons survive.

Many types of vertebrate neurons are produced in excess; up to 50% or more of

some of them die soon after they reach their target, even though they appear perfectly

normal and healthy up to the time of their death. About half of all the motor

neurons that send axons to skeletal muscle, for example, die within a few days

after making contact with their target muscle cells. A similar proportion of the

sensory neurons that innervate the skin die after their growth cones have arrived


This large-scale normal neuronal death often seems to reflect the outcome of

a competition, in which the target tissue releases a limited amount of a specific

neurotrophic factor that the neurons innervating the tissue require to survive;

those that do not get enough die by programmed cell death. If the amount of target

tissue is increased—for example, by grafting an extra limb bud onto the side

of the embryo—more limb-innervating neurons survive; conversely, if the limb

bud is cut off, the same neurons all die (Figure 21–81). In this way, although individuals

may vary in their bodily proportions, they always retain the right number

of motor neurons to innervate all their muscles and the right number of sensory

neurons to innervate their body surface. The strategy of overproduction followed

by death of surplus cells may seem wasteful, but it provides a simple and effective

means to adjust the number of innervating neurons according to the amount of

tissue requiring innervation.

The first neurotrophic factor to be identified, and still the best characterized,

is called nerve growth factor (NGF )—the founding member of the neurotrophin

family of signal proteins. It promotes the survival and growth of specific classes of

sensory neurons and of sympathetic neurons (a subclass of peripheral neurons

that control contractions of smooth muscle and secretion from exocrine glands).

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