Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1298 Chapter 24: The Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems


Adaptive immune responses are slow to develop when a vertebrate first encounters

a new pathogen. This is because the specific B cells and T cells that can respond

to a particular pathogen are initially few in number and must be stimulated to

proliferate and differentiate before they can mount effective adaptive immune

responses, which can take days. By contrast, a single bacterium that divides every

hour can generate almost twenty million progeny in a single day, producing a fullblown

infection. Vertebrates, therefore, rely on their innate immune system to

defend them against infection during the first critical hours and days of exposure

to a new pathogen. Plants and invertebrates lack adaptive immune systems and

therefore rely entirely on innate immunity for protection against pathogens.

In this section, we consider some of the strategies the innate immune system

uses to recognize pathogens and to provide a first line of defense against them.

innate immune




host cell

Epithelial Surfaces Serve as Barriers to Infection

In vertebrates, the first encounters with infectious organisms are typically at the

epithelial surfaces that form the skin and line the respiratory, digestive, urinary,

and reproductive tracts. These epithelia provide both physical and chemical barriers

to invasion by pathogens: tight junctions between epithelial cells bar entry

between the cells, and a variety of substances secreted by the cells discourage the

attachment and entry of pathogens. The keratinized epithelial cells of the skin,

for example, form a thick physical barrier, and the sebaceous glands in the skin

secrete fatty acids and lactic acid, which inhibit bacterial growth. In addition, epithelial

cells in all tissues, including those in plants and invertebrates, secrete antimicrobial

molecules called defensins. Defensins are positively charged, amphipathic

peptides that bind to and disrupt the membranes of many pathogens,

including enveloped viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

The epithelial cells that line internal organs such as the respiratory and digestive

tracts also secrete slimy mucus, which sticks to the epithelial surface and

makes it difficult for pathogens to adhere. The beating of cilia on the surface of the

epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract and the peristaltic action of the intestine

also discourage the adherence of pathogens. Moreover, as we discuss in Chapter

23, healthy skin and gut are populated by enormous numbers of harmless (and

often helpful) commensal microbes, collectively called the normal flora, which

compete for nutrients with pathogens; some also produce antimicrobial peptides

that actively inhibit pathogen proliferation.

Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) Recognize Conserved

Features of Pathogens

Pathogens do occasionally breach the epithelial barricades, in which case underlying,

nonepithelial cells of the innate immune system provide the next line of

defense. These cells sense the presence of pathogens largely through the use of

receptor proteins that recognize microbe-associated molecules that either are not

present or are sequestered in the host organism. Because these microbial molecules

often occur in repeating patterns, they are called pathogen-associated

molecular patterns (PAMPs), even though they are not unique to microbes that

can cause disease. PAMPs are present in various microbial molecules, including

nucleic acids, lipids, polysaccharides, and proteins.

The special receptor proteins that recognize PAMPs are called pattern recognition

receptors (PRRs). Some PRRs are transmembrane proteins on the surface

of many types of host cells, where they recognize extracellular pathogens; on

professional phagocytic cells (phagocytes) such as macrophages and neutrophils

(discussed in Chapter 22), they can mediate the uptake of the pathogens into phagosomes,

which then fuse with lysosomes, where the pathogens are destroyed.

Other PRRs are located intracellularly, where they can detect intracellular pathogens

such as viruses; these PRRs are either free in the cytosol or associated with

B cell





host cell



T cell

dead virus-infected

host cell

Figure 24–2 The two main classes

of adaptive immune responses.

Lymphocytes carry out both classes of

adaptive responses—shown here as

responses to a viral infection. In one class,

B cells secrete MBoC6 antibodies m25.02/24.02 that specifically

bind to and neutralize extracellular viruses,

by preventing the viruses from infecting

host cells. In the other, T cells mediate

the response; in this example, they kill the

virus-infected host cells. In both cases,

innate immune responses help activate

the adaptive immune responses through

pathways that are not shown.

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