Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Animals live by eating other organisms. Thus, despite their remarkable diversity,

animals as different as worms, mollusks, insects, and vertebrates share anatomical

features that are fundamental to this way of life. Epidermal cells form a protective

outer layer; gut cells absorb nutrients from ingested food; muscle cells

allow movement; and neurons and sensory cells control behavior. These diverse

cell types are organized into tissues and organs, forming a sheet of skin covering

the exterior, a mouth for feeding, and an internal gut tube to digest food—with

muscles, nerves, and other tissues arranged in the space between the skin and

the gut tube. Many animals have clearly defined axes—an anteroposterior axis,

with mouth and brain anterior and anus posterior; a dorsoventral axis, with back

dorsal and belly ventral; and a left-right axis. In this section, we discuss some fundamental

mechanisms underlying animal development, beginning with how the

basic animal body plan is established.

Conserved Mechanisms Establish the Basic Animal Body Plan

The shared anatomical features of animals develop through conserved mechanisms.

After fertilization, the zygote usually divides rapidly, or cleaves, to form

many smaller cells; during this cleavage, the embryo, which cannot yet feed, does

not grow. This phase of development is initially driven and controlled entirely by

the material deposited in the egg by the mother. The embryonic genome remains

inactive until a point is reached when maternal mRNAs and proteins rather

abruptly begin to be degraded. The embryo’s genome is activated, and the cells

cohere to form a blastula—typically a solid or a hollow fluid-filled ball of cells.

Complex cell rearrangements called gastrulation (from the Greek “gaster,” meaning

“belly”) then transform the blastula into a multilayered structure containing

a rudimentary internal gut (Figure 21–3). Some cells of the blastula remain external,

constituting the ectoderm, which will give rise to the epidermis and the nervous

system; other cells invaginate, forming the endoderm, which will give rise to

the gut tube and its appendages, such as lung, pancreas, and liver. Another group

of cells moves into the space between ectoderm and endoderm and forms the

mesoderm, which will give rise to muscles, connective tissues, blood, kidney, and

various other components. Further cell movements and accompanying cell differentiations

create and refine the embryo’s architecture.

fertilized egg blastula gastrula










neural tube (ectoderm)

notochord (mesoderm)





epidermis (ectoderm)



somite (mesoderm)

gut cavity (lined

by endoderm)

tail bud

lateral plate mesoderm

endoderm and yolk

Figure 21–3 The early stages of

development, as exemplified by a frog.

(A) A fertilized egg divides to produce a

blastula—a sheet of epithelial cells often

surrounding a cavity. During gastrulation,

some of the cells tuck into the interior to

form the mesoderm (green) and endoderm

(yellow). Ectodermal cells (blue) remain on

the outside. (B) A cross section through

the trunk of an amphibian embryo shows

the basic animal body plan, with a sheet

of ectoderm on the outside, a tube of

endoderm on the inside, and mesoderm

sandwiched between them. The endoderm

forms the epithelial lining of the gut, from

the mouth to the anus. It gives rise not only

to the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and

intestines, but also to many associated

structures. The salivary glands, liver,

pancreas, trachea, and lungs, for example,

all develop from the wall of the digestive

tract and grow to become systems of

branching tubes that open into the gut or

pharynx. The endoderm forms only the

epithelial components of these structures—

the lining of the gut and the secretory

cells of the pancreas, for example. The

supporting muscular and fibrous elements

arise from the mesoderm.

The mesoderm gives rise to the

connective tissues—at first, to the loose

mesh of cells in the embryo known as

mesenchyme, and ultimately to cartilage,

bone, and fibrous tissue, including the

dermis (the inner layer of the skin). The

mesoderm also forms the muscles, the

entire vascular system—including the heart,

blood vessels, and blood cells—and the

tubules, ducts, and supporting tissues of

the kidneys and gonads. The notochord

forms from the mesoderm and serves

as the core of the future backbone and

the source of signals that coordinate the

development of surrounding tissues.

The ectoderm will form the epidermis

(the outer, epithelial layer of the skin) and

epidermal appendages such as hair,

sweat glands, and mammary glands. It will

also give rise to the whole of the nervous

system, central and peripheral, including

not only neurons and glia but also the

sensory cells of the nose, the ear, the eye,

and other sense organs. (B, after T. Mohun

et al., Cell 22:9–15, 1980. With permission

from Elsevier.)

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