Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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down (quarantining) healthy people in totality.

The foundations of the hoax are that simple. A study involving ten

million people in Wuhan, published in November, 2020, demolished

the whole lie about those without symptoms passing on the ‘virus’.

They found ‘300 asymptomatic cases’ and traced their contacts to

find that not one of them was detected with the ‘virus’.

‘Asymptomatic’ patients and their contacts were isolated for no less

than two weeks and nothing changed. I know it’s all crap, but if you

are going to claim that those without symptoms can transmit ‘the

virus’ then you must produce evidence for that and they never have.

Even World Health Organization official Dr Maria Van Kerkhove,

head of the emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said as early as

June, 2020, that she doubted the validity of asymptomatic

transmission. She said that ‘from the data we have, it still seems to

be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a

secondary individual’ and by ‘rare’ she meant that she couldn’t cite

any case of asymptomatic transmission.

The Ferguson factor

The problem for the Cult as it headed into March, 2020, when the

script had lockdown due to start, was that despite all the

manipulation of the case and death figures they still did not have

enough people alleged to have died from ‘Covid’ to justify mass

house arrest. This was overcome in the way the scientist described:

‘You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are

imminent … Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then

claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.’ Enter

one Professor Neil Ferguson, the Gates-funded ‘epidemiologist’ at

the Gates-funded Imperial College in London. Ferguson is Britain’s

Christian Drosten in that he has a dire record of predicting health

outcomes, but is still called upon to advise government on the next

health outcome when another ‘crisis’ comes along. This may seem to

be a strange and ridiculous thing to do. Why would you keep

turning for policy guidance to people who have a history of being

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