Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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920 Chapter 16: The Cytoskeleton

Z disc

Z disc




M line

myosin (thick filament)

plus end

of actin



minus end

actin (thin filament)

Opposing pairs of an even longer template protein, called titin, position the

thick filaments midway between the Z discs. Titin acts as a molecular spring, with

a long series of immunoglobulin-like domains that can unfold one by one as stress

is applied to the protein. A springlike unfolding and refolding of these domains

keeps the thick filaments poised in the middle of MBoC6 the sarcomere m16.76/16.34 and allows the

muscle fiber to recover after being overstretched. In C. elegans, whose sarcomeres

are longer than those in vertebrates, titin is longer as well, suggesting that it serves

also as a molecular ruler, determining in this case the overall length of each sarcomere.

A Sudden Rise in Cytosolic Ca 2+ Concentration Initiates Muscle


The force-generating molecular interaction between myosin thick filaments and

actin thin filaments takes place only when a signal passes to the skeletal muscle

from the nerve that stimulates it. Immediately upon arrival of the signal, the muscle

cell needs to be able to contract very rapidly, with all the sarcomeres shortening

simultaneously. Two major features of the muscle cell make extremely rapid

contraction possible. First, as previously discussed, the individual myosin motor

heads in each thick filament spend only a small fraction of the ATP cycle time

bound to the filament and actively generating force, so many myosin heads can

act in rapid succession on the same thin filament without interfering with one

another. Second, a specialized membrane system relays the incoming signal rapidly

throughout the entire cell. The signal from the nerve triggers an action potential

in the muscle cell plasma membrane (discussed in Chapter 11), and this electrical

excitation spreads swiftly into a series of membranous folds—the transverse

tubules, or T tubules—that extend inward from the plasma membrane around

each myofibril. The signal is then relayed across a small gap to the sarcoplasmic

reticulum, an adjacent weblike sheath of modified endoplasmic reticulum that

surrounds each myofibril like a net stocking (Figure 16–35A and B).

When the incoming action potential activates a Ca 2+ channel in the T-tubule

membrane, Ca 2+ influx triggers the opening of Ca 2+ -release channels in the sarcoplasmic

reticulum (Figure 16–35C). Ca 2+ flooding into the cytosol then initiates

the contraction of each myofibril. Because the signal from the muscle cell plasma

membrane is passed within milliseconds (via the T tubules and sarcoplasmic

reticulum) to every sarcomere in the cell, all of the myofibrils in the cell contract

at once. The increase in Ca 2+ concentration is transient because the Ca 2+ is rapidly

pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by an abundant, ATP-dependent

Ca 2+ -pump (also called a Ca 2+ -ATPase) in its membrane (see Figure 11–13). Typically,

the cytoplasmic Ca 2+ concentration is restored to resting levels within 30

msec, allowing the myofibrils to relax. Thus, muscle contraction depends on two

processes that consume enormous amounts of ATP: filament sliding, driven by

the ATPase of the myosin motor domain, and Ca 2+ pumping, driven by the Ca 2+ -


Figure 16–34 Organization of accessory

proteins in a sarcomere. Each giant titin

molecule extends from the Z disc to the

M line—a distance of over 1 μm. Part of

each titin molecule is closely associated

with a myosin thick filament (which

switches polarity at the M line); the rest of

the titin molecule is elastic and changes

length as the sarcomere contracts and

relaxes. Each nebulin molecule is exactly

the length of a thin filament. The actin

filaments are also coated with tropomyosin

and troponin (not shown; see Figure

16–36) and are capped at both ends.

Tropomodulin caps the minus end of the

actin filaments, and CapZ anchors the

plus end at the Z disc, which also contains

α-actinin (not shown).

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