Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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so ware for the cell’ and so they are messing with the body’s

so ware. What happens when you change the so ware in a

computer? Everything changes. For this reason the Cult is preparing

a production line of mRNA ‘Covid vaccines’ and a long list of

excuses to use them as with all the ‘variants’ of a ‘virus’ never shown

to exist. The plan is further to transfer the mRNA technique to other

vaccines mostly given to children and young people. The cumulative

consequences will be a transformation of human DNA through a

constant infusion of synthetic genetic material which will kill many

and change the rest. Now consider that governments that have given

emergency approval for a vaccine that’s not a vaccine; never been

approved for humans before; had no testing worth the name; and

the makers have been given immunity from prosecution for any

deaths or adverse effects suffered by the public. The UK government

awarded permanent legal indemnity to itself and its employees for

harm done when a patient is being treated for ‘Covid-19’ or

‘suspected Covid-19’. That is quite a thought when these are possible

‘side-effects’ from the ‘vaccine’ (they are not ‘side’, they are effects)

listed by the US Food and Drug Administration:

Guillain-Barre syndrome; acute disseminated encephalomyelitis;

transverse myelitis; encephalitis; myelitis; encephalomyelitis;

meningoencephalitis; meningitis; encephalopathy; convulsions;

seizures; stroke; narcolepsy; cataplexy; anaphylaxis; acute

myocardial infarction (heart a ack); myocarditis; pericarditis;

autoimmune disease; death; implications for pregnancy, and birth

outcomes; other acute demyelinating diseases; non anaphylactic

allergy reactions; thrombocytopenia ; disseminated intravascular

coagulation; venous thromboembolism; arthritis; arthralgia; joint

pain; Kawasaki disease; multisystem inflammatory syndrome in

children; vaccine enhanced disease. The la er is the way the

‘vaccine’ has the potential to make diseases far worse than they

would otherwise be.

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