Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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population at the bo om under their control through dependency

for survival on the Cult. The whole structure is planned to be

protected and enforced by a military-police state (Fig 4).

Here you have the reason for the global lockdowns of the fake

pandemic to coldly destroy independent incomes and livelihoods

and make everyone dependent on the ‘state’ (the Cult that controls

the ‘states’). I have warned in my books for many years about the

plan to introduce a ‘guaranteed income’ – a barely survivable

pi ance – designed to impose dependency when employment was

destroyed by AI technology and now even more comprehensively at

great speed by the ‘Covid’ scam. Once the pandemic was played and

lockdown consequences began to delete independent income the

authorities began to talk right on cue about the need for a

guaranteed income and a ‘Great Reset’. Guaranteed income will be

presented as benevolent governments seeking to help a desperate

people – desperate as a direct result of actions of the same

governments. The truth is that such payments are a trap. You will

only get them if you do exactly what the authorities demand

including mass vaccination (genetic manipulation). We have seen

this theme already in Australia where those dependent on

government benefits have them reduced if parents don’t agree to

have their children vaccinated according to an insane healthdestroying

government-dictated schedule. Calculated economic

collapse applies to governments as well as people. The Cult wants

rid of countries through the creation of a world state with countries

broken up into regions ruled by a world government and super

states like the European Union. Countries must be bankrupted, too,

to this end and it’s being achieved by the trillions in ‘rescue

packages’ and furlough payments, trillions in lost taxation, and

money-no-object spending on ‘Covid’ including constant allmedium

advertising (programming) which has made the media

dependent on government for much of its income. The day of

reckoning is coming – as planned – for government spending and

given that it has been made possible by printing money and not by

production/taxation there is inflation on the way that has the

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