Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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and the revolution in China would prepare the ground and control

system for the events of 2019/2020.

Renegade Minds know there are no borders except for public

consumption. The Cult is a seamless, borderless global entity and to

understand the game we need to put aside labels like borders,

nations, countries, communism, fascism and democracy. These

delude the population into believing that countries are ruled within

their borders by a government of whatever shade when these are

mere agencies of a global power. America’s illusion of democracy

and China’s communism/fascism are subsidiaries – vehicles – for the

same agenda. We may hear about conflict and competition between

America and China and on the lower levels that will be true; but at

the Cult level they are branches of the same company in the way of

the McDonald’s example I gave earlier. I have tracked in the books

over the years support by US governments of both parties for

Chinese Communist Party infiltration of American society through

allowing the sale of land, even military facilities, and the acquisition

of American business and university influence. All this is

underpinned by the infamous stealing of intellectual property and

technological know-how. Cult-owned Silicon Valley corporations

waive their fraudulent ‘morality’ to do business with human-rightsfree

China; Cult-controlled Disney has become China’s PR

department; and China in effect owns ‘American’ sports such as

basketball which depends for much of its income on Chinese

audiences. As a result any sports player, coach or official speaking

out against China’s horrific human rights record is immediately

condemned or fired by the China-worshipping National Basketball

Association. One of the first acts of China-controlled Biden was to

issue an executive order telling federal agencies to stop making

references to the ‘virus’ by the ‘geographic location of its origin’.

Long-time Congressman Jerry Nadler warned that criticising China,

America’s biggest rival, leads to hate crimes against Asian people in

the United States. So shut up you bigot. China is fast closing in on

Israel as a country that must not be criticised which is apt, really,

given that Sabbatians control them both. The two countries have

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