Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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thousands of old people who tested positive for ‘Covid’ in hospital

were transferred to nursing homes to both die of ‘Covid’ and

transmit it to others. No – they were in hospital because they were ill

and the fact that they tested positive with a test not testing for the

‘virus’ is irrelevant. They were ill o en with respiratory diseases

ubiquitous in old people near the end of their lives. Their transfer

out of hospital meant that their treatment stopped and many would

go on to die.

They’re old. Who gives a damn?

I have exposed in the books for decades the Cult plan to cull the

world’s old people and even to introduce at some point what they

call a ‘demise pill’ which at a certain age everyone would take and

be out of here by law. In March, 2021, Spain legalised euthanasia and

assisted suicide following the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg

and Canada on the Tiptoe to the demise pill. Treatment of old people

by many ‘care’ homes has been a disgrace in the ‘Covid’ era. There

are many, many, caring staff – I know some. There have, however,

been legions of stories about callous treatment of old people and

their families. Police were called when families came to take their

loved ones home in the light of isolation that was killing them. They

became prisoners of the state. Care home residents in insane, fascist

Ontario, Canada, were not allowed to leave their room once the

‘Covid’ hoax began. UK staff have even wheeled elderly people

away from windows where family members were talking with them.

Oriana Criscuolo from Stockport in the English North West dropped

off some things for her 80-year-old father who has Parkinson’s

disease and dementia and she wanted to wave to him through a

ground-floor window. She was told that was ‘illegal’. When she went

anyway they closed the curtains in the middle of the day. Oriana


It’s just unbelievable. I cannot understand how care home staff – people who are being paid

to care – have become so uncaring. Their behaviour is inhumane and cruel. It’s beyond belief.

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